FastOSC is a fast and memory-optimised C# OSC (Open Sound Control) library for .NET8+.
- High Performance: Designed for speed and low memory usage.
- Ease of Use: Simple and intuitive API.
- Compatibility: Supports the full 1.0 spec. Extended support for all .Net encoding types including ASCII, UTF-8, and Unicode.
- int32 (Int32)
- int64 (Int64 / Long)
- float32 (Single)
- float64 (Double)
- String (String / Symbol)
- Blob (Byte[])
- TimeTag (UInt64 / ULong / DateTime)
- Single characters (Char)
- 32 bit RGBA color (OSCRGBA)
- 4 byte MIDI message (OSCMidi)
- True (Boolean)
- False (Boolean)
- Nil (null)
- Infinitum (Single.PositiveInfinity)
- Nested arrays (Object?[])
- Bundles (OSCBundle)
var sender = new OSCSender();
await sender.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 9000));
var message = new OSCMessage("/address/test", new OSCMidi(1, 1, 1, 1));
var receiver = new OSCReceiver();
receiver.Connect(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 9001));
receiver.OnMessageReceived += message => { };
receiver.OnBundleReceived += bundle => { };
If you don't want to use the built-in sender and receiver:
var message = new OSCMessage("/address/test", new OSCMidi(1, 1, 1, 1));
var data = OSCEncoder.Encode(message);
var data = new byte[];
var packet = OSCDecoder.Decode(data);
if (!packet.IsValid) return;
if (packet.IsBundle)
// handle bundle
// handle message
All benchmarks were ran with the address /address/test
Encoding and decoding an OSCMidi value:
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Op/s | Gen0 | Allocated |
Encode | 53.82 ns | 1.103 ns | 3.020 ns | 18,580,512.0 | 0.0105 | 88 B |
Decode | 42.27 ns | 0.851 ns | 1.599 ns | 23,657,956.0 | 0.0200 | 168 B |
Encoding and decoding 3 floats values:
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Op/s | Gen0 | Allocated |
Encode | 59.40 ns | 1.172 ns | 1.523 ns | 16,835,787.8 | 0.0124 | 104 B |
Decode | 51.94 ns | 1.051 ns | 1.330 ns | 19,251,212.6 | 0.0277 | 232 B |