We're a group of people who met up on VulnHub's IRC channel, and we like to hack things. You can find us registered on CTF Time. This repository hosts a collection of our write-ups from various CTFs we've competed in.
Here's a list of our active team members:
- superkojiman https://blog.techorganic.com || @superkojiman || VulnHub Profile
- barrebas https://barrebas.github.io || @barrebas || VulnHub Profile
- Swappage https://swappage.github.io || @swappage || VulnHub Profile
- historypeats http://www.historypeats.com || @historypeats || VulnHub Profile
- NullMode https://nullmode.github.io/ || @NullMode_ || VulnHub Profile
- et0x http://rwnin.net/ || @_et0x || VulnHub Profile
- bitvijays https://bitvijays.github.io/ || @bitvijays
- rasta_mouse https://rastamouse.me/ || @_RastaMouse || VulnHub Profile
To submit a writeup, fork the repository, clone your fork, add your writeup, and send a pull request. For more details, check out GitHub's tutorial on forking and submitting a pull request.
You can use the following template for your write-up:
### Solved by <team-member>
If it doesn't already exist in the repository, go ahead and create the /<year>/<ctfname> directory and add your writeup there.
To add images, save your image to /images/<year>/<ctfname>/<challenge-name>
Embed images using: