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Releases: VultureProject/vulture-gui

Hotfix 2.15.6

12 Jul 15:23
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  • [API_PARSER] [HARFANGLAB] Handle independent saved timestamps for 'alerts' and 'threats' logs
  • [API_PARSER] [PROOFPOINT_TRAP] Avoid errors on missing 'emails' field

Hotfix 2.15.5

04 Jul 15:36
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  • [API_PARSER] [SIGNALSCIENCES_NGWAF] Add site_name key in logs
  • [API_PARSER] [CISCO_UMBRELLA] New collector


  • [API_PARSER] [VECTRA] Correctly allow to test the Collector before saving it
  • [API_PARSER] [HARFANGLAB] Increase delay to 10 minutes to be sure to get all logs
  • [AUTHENTICATION] [GUI] LDAP Users can now authenticate once activated

Hotfix 2.15.4

27 May 08:40
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  • [API_PARSER] [CYBEREASON] Update malops fetching
  • [DEPENDENCIES] Python dependencies upgrade
    • gunicorn 21.2.0 -> 22.0.0
  • [CLUSTER] [CONFIG] Reload all Rsyslog/Filebeat Listeners when updating the Redis cluster password


  • [FRONTEND] Missing redis fields in template infos
  • [API_PARSER] [HARFANGLAB] Increase the limit of logs in request and reduce time range of requests
  • [API_PARSER] [CSC_DOMAINMANAGER] Split logs with several records
  • [API_PARSER] Correctly select custom parser certificate when set
  • [REPUTATION_CTX] Ensure there are no duplicates left for GeoLite files in Mongodb
  • [API_PARSER] [HARFANGLAB] Add threshold check to avoid infinite loop while getting more than >=10k logs on single execution
  • [API_PARSER] [TRENDMICRO_VISIONONE] Avoid sporadic errors on collector's GUI test

Hotfix 2.15.3

25 Apr 08:04
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  • [LOG_FORWARDER] [REDIS] Support for queues, sets, publish and streams modes for log insertion
  • [LOGOMELASTICSEARCH] Handle log insertion errors returned by elasticsearch


  • [DEPENDENCIES] Upgrade djongo and code for pymongo>=4
  • [FRONTEND] [GUI] Improve binding information for Filebeat, Redis and Kafka listeners
  • [CRON] Update Reputation Context DBs at 6:00am instead of 2:00am

Hotfix 2.15.1

22 Mar 14:53
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  • [FRONTEND] TCP session were not received properly when LOG Frontend was set to TCP+UDP

Version 2.15.0

18 Mar 09:27
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  • [FRONTEND] Redis stream support for input log
  • [FRONTEND] Allow to simply use local Redis without worrying about parameters when creating a Redis Listener
  • [REDIS] Password support for local redis
  • [REDIS] New api function set_password and set_replica_of


  • [CLUSTER] Evolve daemon's code to allow correctly handling tasks during service shutdowns
  • [API] Increase API key length for new clusters from 16 to 32 characters
  • [INSTALL] Improve and stabilize the Redis bootstrapping process
  • [CONFIG] [API] Remove the object ID from the API: there is only one configuration object!
  • [API_PARSER] [NOZOMI] Add missing 'Content-Type' and 'Accept' headers in requests


  • [FRONTEND] Allow skipping unresponsive nodes during HAProxy test_conf
  • [REPUTATION] Changed predator references to barricade
  • [REPUTATION_CTX] Ensure internally defined DBs cannot be modified
  • [SYSTEM] [PKI] Fix wrong ca.key after cluster_join
  • [API_PARSER] Connect automatically to redis matser
  • [API_PARSER] [TRENDMICRO_VISIONONE] Correctly handle errors in log fetches
  • [API_PARSER] [TRENDMICRO_VISIONONE] Avoid 429 errors by increasing default pagination
  • [API_PARSER] [TRENDMICRO_VISIONONE] Delay log fetching by 5 minutes to be sure to get all logs
  • [API_PARSER] [NOZOMI] Set a custom User-Agent to prevent request blacklisting from technology
  • [HAPROXY] [LISTENERS] Put back a correct 60s server timeout for Rsyslog/Filebeat communication
  • [HAPROXY] [CONFIGURATION] Prevent configuration failures when using packaged lua scripts

Hotfix 2.14.3

01 Mar 10:24
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  • [REPUTATION] Changed predator references to barricade

Full Changelog: v2.14.2...v2.14.3

Version 2.14.2

19 Feb 08:30
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  • [API_PARSER] [VECTRA] Store current access token to avoid re-generating it every time
  • [DEPENDENCIES] Python dependencies upgrade
    • aiohttp 3.9.1 -> 3.9.3
    • attrs 23.1.0 -> 23.2.0
    • beautifulsoup4 4.12.2 -> 4.12.3
    • boto3 1.33.2 -> 1.34.32
    • botocore 1.33.2 -> 1.34.32
    • bs4 0.0.1 -> removed
    • cryptography 41.0.7 -> 42.0.2
    • django 4.2.7 -> 4.2.9
    • djongo 1.3.6_2 -> 1.3.6.post3
    • frozenlist 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
    • google-api-core 2.14.0 -> 2.16.1
    • google-api-python-client 2.108.0 -> 2.116.0
    • google-auth 2.23.4 -> 2.27.0
    • google-auth-httplib2 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0
    • googleapis-common-protos 1.61.0 -> 1.62.0
    • jinja2 3.1.2 -> 3.1.3
    • markupsafe 2.1.3 -> 2.1.4
    • maxminddb 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2
    • meraki 1.39.0 -> 1.42.0
    • netaddr 0.9.0 -> 0.10.1
    • pillow 10.1.0 -> 10.2.0
    • protobuf 4.25.1 -> 4.25.2
    • pyopenssl 23.3.0 -> 24.0.0
    • s3transfer 0.8.1 -> 0.10.0
    • typing-extensions 4.8.0 -> 4.9.0
    • yarl 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
    • setuptools 69.0.2 -> 69.0.3


  • [API_PARSER] [CSC_DOMAINMANAGER] Correct missing import...
  • [API_PARSER] [RETARUS] Fix update lock to prevent multiprocess
  • [API_PARSER] [SENTINEL_ONE_MOBILE] Fix try..except raises
  • [API_PARSER] [FORCEPOINT] Fix update lock to prevent multiprocess
  • [API_PARSER] [FORCEPOINT] Use a safer alternative to XML decoding
  • [WORKFLOW] Trigger build_conf on various changes
  • [GUI] [NODES] Wrong state of mongo replica when a node is down
  • [GUI] [NODES] Correctly print result when stepping down a Mongodb node
  • [LOG_FORWARDER] Reload related frontends of type "file", "redis" or "kafka" without any node selected
  • [CLUSTER_CREATE] Correctly reset Admin user during cluster creation
  • [HAPROXY] Wrong backend timeout caused by the new intermediate backend
  • [WORKFLOW] Correctly update Haproxy's old Frontend configuration when a different one is choosen on a Workflow

Version 2.14.0

10 Jan 10:21
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  • [HAPROXY] [CONF] JWT verification through workflow
  • [IDP] [LDAP] Allow to map custom IDP fields to LDAP attributes


  • [DEPENDENCIES] Python dependencies upgrade
    • aiohttp 3.8.6 -> 3.9.1
    • boto3 1.28.68 -> 1.33.2
    • botocore 1.31.68 -> 1.33.2
    • cachetools 5.3.1 -> 5.3.2
    • certifi 2023.7.22 -> 2023.11.17
    • charset-normalizer 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2
    • cryptography 41.0.4 -> 41.0.7
    • django 4.2.6 -> 4.2.7
    • google-api-core 2.12.0 -> 2.14.0
    • google-api-python-client 2.104.0 -> 2.108.0
    • google-auth 2.23.3 -> 2.23.4
    • idna 3.4 -> 3.6
    • maxminddb 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
    • meraki 1.38.0 -> 1.39.0
    • protobuf 4.24.4 -> 4.25.1
    • pyasn1 0.5.0 -> 0.5.1
    • pyopenssl 23.2.0 -> 23.3.0
    • python-ldap 3.4.3 -> 3.4.4
    • s3transfer 0.7.0 -> 0.8.1
    • urllib3 1.26.18 -> 1.26.18
    • werkzeug 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1
    • yarl 1.9.2 -> 1.9.3
    • setuptools added -> 69.0.2
  • [FRONTEND] Deploy a listener on every node when listening_node is empty


  • [API_PARSER] [FORCEPOINT] Avoid duplicate processes when input takes long to process
  • [CSC_DOMAINMANAGER] Fix missing json.dumps on logs list
  • [PORTAL] [SELF_SERVICE] Correct wrong password change/logout links in self-service page
  • [GUI] [WORKFLOW] Correctly print items' list when editing a Workflow
  • [GUI] [FRONTEND] Correctly select a good ruleset for API collector but let user override the value
  • [CONFIG] [SYSTEM] Correct issue preventing some certificates to be deleted from system
  • [OPENID] [MODELS] Get correct URLs for OpenID IDPs
  • [LDAP] Correctly get boolean values from LDAP replies
  • [REPUTATION_CONTEXT] Add missing fixture for default GeoLite MMDBs download

Version 2.13.0

04 Dec 10:10
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  • [FRONTEND] New last_update_time field
  • [GUI] [WORKFLOW] CORS policy settings
  • [HAPROXY] [CONF] CORS policy into config generation
  • [API_PARSER] [HARFANGLAB] Fetch new endpoint for Threats logs
  • [API_PARSER] [APEX] New parser
  • [FRONTEND] [TCP] Add advanced option custom_tl_frame_delimiter for Rsyslog tcp frontends


  • [FRONTEND] [TIMEOUTS] Incoherent "timeout connect" in Frontend attributes


  • [HAPROXY] [CONF] Split Frontend and Workflow config to improve performance
  • [HAPROXY] [CONF] Change test config names by uuids
  • [PERFORMANCES] Avoid high overhead when loading Workflows by simplifying string representation


  • [GUI] [FRONTEND] Bug allowing the creation of an http or tcp frontend without a listener
  • [LOG_FORWARDER] Rsyslog config generation error when '-' found in LOGOM name
  • [LOG_FORWARDER] Frontends configs aren't refreshed when LOGOM used as parse failure
  • [WORKFLOW] Re-allow multiple workflows on the same FQDN with sub-paths
  • [HAPROXY] Ensure X-Forwarded-proto header is correctly set on Frontend configuration
  • [API_PARSER] [NOZOMI] Set correct timestamp format for query limits