Celestia Data-Analysis: Is tool based on system resource monitor.
This tool has the function of monitoring :
- the upload/download network
- server uptime
- server specifications
- information about ram memory usage
- information about server processes
- information about cpu consumption and disk usage.
Web Framework & libraries
front end
- React.js
- Chart.js
back end
- Django
- Psutil
Requirement python library:
pip install django
pip install psutil
Link [http://your_ip/domain:8000]
Login Data
- username: your_username
- password: your_password
Coommands for run this tool:
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver your_ip:8000
Command for set username and password:
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
Login Page:
Analyze Celestia Node Server on different period:
The time and date is in the corner of the image, the time zone is EEST. I analyzed the celestia node for 3 days and here is the result.
The server's IP is censored in red, for security reasons.
First day:
The first day with version 0.9.3 the consumption shows an average of 10% cpu, the network sending/upload consumption is on average 600-1000 kB/s, the receive/download consumption is on average 650-800 kB /s. The ram memory is not much used.
The first day later with version 0.9.3 the consumption shows an average of 3% cpu, the sending/upload network consumption is on average 90-200 kB/s, the receive/download consumption is on average 50- 210 kb/s. The ram memory is not much used.
The next day:
The next day with version 0.9.3 the consumption shows an average of 1-2% cpu, the network sending/upload consumption is on average 0-250 kB/s, the receive/download consumption is on average 0-25 kB /s. The ram memory is not much used.
The next day later with version 0.9.3 the consumption shows an average of 1-2% cpu, the sending/upload network consumption is on average 60-100 kB/s, the receive/download consumption is on average 20- 25 kb/s. The ram memory is not much used.
Third day:
The third day with version 0.9.4 the consumption shows an average of 3-4% cpu, the network sending/upload consumption is on average 200 kB/s, the receive/download consumption is on average 0-170 kB /s. The ram used virtual memory is 600 MB.