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- Super fast QE
- use all skills in bet way
- can toggle to go in hammer if killable with combo
- combo works both ways from and to hammer
- Can activate fullburst to use all skills
- will jump to target, flash behind, kick in tower and swap to range to burst down
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3kwExDKtH4&feature=youtu.be
- Kick Away gapclosers
- Use GhostBlade
- Use Muramana
- Manual QE cast
Shows where are wards and how long till they dissapear
It only will see if you saw that ward was placed.
Add more hidden Objects at HidObjects.cs
Harass mode:
- will hit q whenever possible
- can choose only to use 3rd q
- use q
- use e
- Orbwalker
- use q
- use smart 3rd q only when hit X minions
- good e use
- Orbwalker
- use q
- smart chasing with e
- auto R if will hit X enemies
- use Hydra
Auto windwall
- now will block all skilshots
- will block basic attacs that does more then 25% of your health
Mostly uses smart q + calc minion collision if can hit Snare target if in range and auto shield
- Fast Q-> aa combo
- simple R use
- use E
- use W
- use Hydra