Sample data for grain maize and soft wheat. For grain maize, there is input and label data for Spain (ES) and the Netherlands (NL). Similarly, there are predesigned features and labels for the United States (US). For soft wheat, there is input and label data for Spain (ES) and the Netherlands (NL)
(For holdout evaluation)
Train split: 2000-2011
Test split: 2012-2018
Features from: Weather (AgERA5), Soil (WISE), FAPAR (Copernicus GLS)
Also includes yield trend features (yield values of last five available years: YIELD-1, YIELD-2, ..., YIELD-5).
YIELD_TREND (a linear fit of yield trend features)
Yield (last column)
Feature design for weather and remote sensing based on crop calendar from a simple crop model called CSSF(see reference) (DVS changes 0-1, 1-2).
This file excludes yield trend (features).
For leave-one-out cross-validation.
- fpar: FPAR from JRC_FPAR500m product.
- meteo: Weather variables and evapotranspiration from AgERA5. Evapotranspiration data is based on AgERA5 and prepared by FAO.
- ndvi: NDVI from the NASA MOD09CMG product.
- soil: soil properties from the WISE Soil project
- soil moisture: Surface moisture and root zone moisture from NASA GLDAS.
- yield: label data from harmonized subnational statistics published by EC JRC.