WURFL Microservice (by ScientiaMobile, Inc.) is a mobile device detection service that can quickly and accurately detect over 500 capabilities of visiting devices. It can differentiate between portable mobile devices, desktop devices, SmartTVs and any other types of devices that have a web browser.
This is the Scala Client API for accessing the WURFL Microservice. The Scala client works as a wrapper of the Java client API on which it depends (see the sbt or maven build files). The API is released under Open-Source and can be integrated with other open-source or proprietary code. In order to operate, it requires access to a running instance of the WURFL Microservice product, such as:
WURFL Microservice for Docker: https://www.scientiamobile.com/products/wurfl-microservice-docker-detect-device/
WURFL Microservice for AWS: https://www.scientiamobile.com/products/wurfl-device-detection-microservice-aws/
WURFL Microservice for Azure: https://www.scientiamobile.com/products/wurfl-microservice-for-azure/
WURFL Microservice for Google Cloud Platform: https://www.scientiamobile.com/products/wurfl-microservice-for-gcp/
Scala implementation of the WM Client api. Requires Scala 2.13 and Java 8 or above.
The Example project contains an example of client api usage for a console application :
import com.scientiamobile.wurfl.wmclient.WmException
import com.scientiamobile.wurfl.wmclient.scala.WmClient
import scala.util.Sorting.quickSort
object Example {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
print("Running scala version ")
println(scala.util.Properties.scalaPropOrElse("version.number", "unknown scala version"))
try { // First we need to create a WM client instance, to connect to our WM server API at the specified host and port.
val client = WmClient.apply("http", "localhost", "8080", "")
// We ask Wm server API for some Wm server info such as server API version and info about WURFL API and file used by WM server.
val info = client.getInfo()
println("Printing WM server information")
println("WURFL API version: " + info.getWurflApiVersion)
println("WM server version: " + info.getWmVersion)
println("Wurfl file info: " + info.getWurflInfo)
val ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A5000 Build/NMF26X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Mobile Safari/537.36"
// By setting the cache size we are also activating the caching option in WM client. In order to not use cache, you just to need to omit setCacheSize call
// set the capabilities we want to receive from WM server
client.setRequestedStaticCapabilities(Array[String]("brand_name", "model_name"))
client.setRequestedVirtualCapabilities(Array[String]("is_smartphone", "form_factor"))
println("Detecting device for user-agent: " + ua)
// Perform a device detection calling WM server API
val device = client.lookupUseragent(ua)
// Applicative error, ie: invalid input provided
if (device.error != null && device.error.length > 0) println("An error occurred: " + device.error)
else { // Let's get the device capabilities and print some of them
val capabilities = device.capabilities
println("Detected device WURFL ID: " + capabilities.get("wurfl_id"))
println("Device brand & model: " + capabilities.get("brand_name") + " " + capabilities.get("model_name"))
println("Detected device form factor: " + capabilities.get("form_factor"))
if (capabilities.get("is_smartphone").equals("true")) println("This is a smartphone")
// Iterate over all the device capabilities and print them
println("All received capabilities")
val it = capabilities.keySet.iterator
while ( {
}) {
val k = it.next
println(k + ": " + capabilities.get(k))
// Get all the device manufacturers, and print the first twenty
val limit = 20
val deviceMakes = client.getAllDeviceMakes
printf("Print the first %d Brand of %d retrieved from server\n", limit, deviceMakes.length)
// Sort the device manufacturer names
for (i <- 0 until limit) {
printf(" - %s\n", deviceMakes(i))
// Now call the WM server to get all device model and marketing names produced by Apple
println("Print all Model for the Apple Brand")
val devNames = client.getAllDevicesForMake("Apple")
// Sort ModelMktName objects by their model name
devNames.sortWith(_.modelName >= _.modelName)
for (modelMktName <- devNames) {
printf(" - %s %s\n", modelMktName.modelName, modelMktName.marketingName)
// Now call the WM server to get all operative system names
println("Print the list of OSes")
val oses = client.getAllOSes
// Sort and print all OS names
for (os <- oses) {
printf(" - %s\n", os)
// Let's call the WM server to get all version of the Android OS
println("Print all versions for the Android OS")
val osVersions = client.getAllVersionsForOS("Android")
// Sort all Android version numbers and print them.
for (ver <- osVersions) {
printf(" - %s\n", ver)
// Cleans all client resources. Any call on client API methods after this one will throw a WmException
} catch {
case e: WmException =>
// problems such as network errors or internal server problems
// note that WmException comes from the Java wrapped API
println("An error has occurred: " + e.getMessage)