A simple plugin that offers a straightforward solution to create lists of actions that can dynamically adapt based on filetypes
lists = {
simple = { -- A simple list of actions that can be used from any file
actions = { -- Actions can have any name that can be used in lua tables
test = 'echo "test"',
tsupdate = 'TSUpdate',
lua = 'lua print("From lua!")',
func = function() -- Actions also support functions
print("Hello from a function")
-- You can also have actions with spaces in them
["Action with space"] = 'echo "Action with space"',
multiple = { -- A dynamic action list that contains sub lists
all = { -- Sub list that can be used from any file
actions = {
all = 'lua print("This can be ran from any file!")',
go = { -- Sub list that only can be used from go files
ft = { "go" },
actions = {
run = 'lua print("This can only be ran from go files!")',
:OpenActionList <list>
" For example
:OpenActionList simple