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## [2.4.2](v2.4.1...v2.4.2) (2024-08-24) ### Configurations * **ace-window:** always dispatch ([2ed6bae](2ed6bae)) * **ace-windows:** don't always dispatch but repeat ([fe82e01](fe82e01)) * **gumshoe:** mothball package ([b3639d0](b3639d0)) * **markdown-mode:** don't enable auto-fill-mode ([bdceef5](bdceef5)) * **org-mode:** don't enable auto-fill-mode ([e4b80d5](e4b80d5)) * **partial-recall:** set narrow key to i ([3ed762a](3ed762a)) * **settings:** no automatic rehydration ([d2a63ce](d2a63ce)) * **text-mode:** enable visual-line-mode ([e3006e2](e3006e2)) * **transpose-frame:** flop frame, command map with meta ([3a82b23](3a82b23)) * **zig-mode:** add and configure ([2744e97](2744e97)) ### Bug Fixes * **lang,harpoon:** call macro in init step ([5a67afb](5a67afb)) * **rg:** also toggle context flag when there are no flags ([f9ca33f](f9ca33f)) ### Improvements * **consult,vertico:** use flat display for consult-buffer ([3d41218](3d41218)) * **consult:** bind normal and symbol-at-point variant of -line ([2e37e03](2e37e03)) * **consult:** require explicit preview for consult-buffer ([0b131b0](0b131b0)) * **lsp:** jump to lens, find references as part of dwim ([7436641](7436641)) * **project:** add command to find dir-locals ([040c11d](040c11d)) * **register:** make storing window configuration the alternative ([f281045](f281045)) * **text-mode:** enable electric-pair-mode instead ([d310c74](d310c74)) * **useful:** find symbol's bounds ([3bff4b3](3bff4b3)) * **various:** add package tags describing usage volume ([aa58a6b](aa58a6b)) * **vertico:** use flat when using ace-window ([5dcc908](5dcc908)) * **visual-fill-column:** don't enable after visual-line-mode ([e7db43c](e7db43c)) * **yaml-mode:** set standard-indent from custom variable ([b1427b2](b1427b2)) ### Other * **ace-window,tab-bar:** fold into o ([d56266e](d56266e)) * **ace-window:** move to o, bind other-window-* in C-c o ([f197f39](f197f39)) * **ace-window:** use u for consult in dispatch ([5fce007](5fce007)) * **cape:** cape-dabbrev to user-prefixed M-/ ([ae8d96b](ae8d96b)) * **compile:** fold {re-}compile into C-c r ([7f769e1](7f769e1)) * **complete:** move goto-mark back to transient ([545216d](545216d)) * **consult,dap,lsp,roam:** move to better rows ([2cfe2a1](2cfe2a1)) * **consult,partial-recall:** ,=>u and u=>i ([b2bcf74](b2bcf74)) * **consult:** bind ' to consult-mark ([572b708](572b708)) * **consult:** bind mark commands to ' ([8efa32b](8efa32b)) * **consult:** switch to user-prefixed k for previews ([144046b](144046b)) * **eww,outline,bookmark:** shuffle bindings ([8061000](8061000)) * **marginalia,embark:** make user-prefixed ; the cycle key ([023ecc2](023ecc2)) * **org-agenda:** fold into C-c a ([8b83e4b](8b83e4b)) * **org-capture:** fold into C-c c ([677bb44](677bb44)) * **org-roam:** make node-find the default binding ([845087d](845087d)) * **org-roam:** move to p ([b9d84f9](b9d84f9)) * **org,dap,lsp:** revert to previous bindings ([46b802d](46b802d)) * **project,register:** switch,find,jump => ',h,y ([61ad645](61ad645)) * **project,ship-mate:** use prefixes to p and , ([0c4ff89](0c4ff89)) * **project:** move from h=>y ([182468a](182468a)) * **project:** swap project-{find-file,switch} ([3dc7b72](3dc7b72)) * **register,consult:** swap jump and search ([7ec5890](7ec5890)) * **useful:** move wal-supernova to adjunct ([279081d](279081d)) * **various:** move all C-c bindings to the left hand ([4299679](4299679))
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