2.3.0 (2024-03-17)
lsp: add wal-lsp-dwim and bind to user-prefixed backslash (4a7587a )
rg,hl-todo: add wal-rg-project-todos (6cd3149 )
workspace: wal-project-find-file-other-window (9d1400c )
ace-window: remove again (d252185 )
avy: user-prefixed M-l jumps to word-o (017db14 )
consult: bind line to user-prefixed M-i instead (c4c7556 )
consult: prefer buffer switch, transient after meta (c36b2bf )
consult: re-bind outline, simplify theme (fc6bb7d )
consult: remove wal-consult-org-agenda-buffer (cfd58b3 )
consult: user-prefixed = to wal-consult-project (a77a274 )
consult: wal-consult-unregister in triple-minus map (d1038dc )
custom: simplify custom bindings, update list (1906f12 )
docker,diff-hl: bind to d and h in ambassador (b69f903 )
jinx: bind jinx-next and jinx-correct in editor (20c5397 )
magit: remove magit-status binding from transient (226dd53 )
org-habit: push org-habit-graph-column back further (271fb0d )
other-window: M-o other-window, C-M-o other-buffer (9d3e12a )
outline: enable for common modes, name for which key (784a1b3 )
surround: bind surround-insert and surround-kill in editor (622bea5 )
tab-bar: bind switch to user-prefixed o, rename to M-o (3d9201b )
workspace: bind custom finders in user-prefixed map (e48a1ad )
Bug Fixes
consult: customize wal-consult-clock instead (9f3c317 )
jinx: map j and c in existing repeat map (853734a )
wal-consult-clock: save previously and newly clocking buffer (f396abe )
wal-consult-place: don't match archived org headings (3eb2524 )
cape: bind dabbrev and file directly, remove prog setup (bfebd7a )
consult,org-clock: command wal-consult-org-clock (e7a4dd7 )
consult,register: user-prefixed i goes to place (5681361 )
flymake: add repeat map (eef0afd )
jinx: add repeat-map (0aed0ab )
key-bindings: fix footnote (dc0b602 )
key-bindings: remove outdated ambassador bindings (0c2b9ad )
org-modern: consistent filled->empty start pattern (18400dc )
other-window: advise to switch to buffer for single window (3a032c0 )
rg: add wal-rg-rerun-toggle-context (8c688a5 )
vertico-quick: exit for single match (068ba13 )
vertico,project: make wal-project-find-in-here flat (5eafd59 )
windows: remove advice again, bind other-buffer directly (556b0dd )
workspace: rework structure with more subheadings (bd11053 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.