2.4.3 (2024-09-07)
casual-suite: add and configure (944c839 )
markdown-mode: use LSP and enable prettier-mode (3c68e80 )
org-agenda: use other-tab for setup (b4de01d )
org-super-agenda: display items scheduled but with no time (99a4689 )
org-super-agenda: do collect non-todos (0ffbc52 )
org-super-agenda: re-ogranize groups (94f2f4d )
org-super-agenda: today for dates, any todo for leftovers (0f1b9d4 )
Bug Fixes
bindings: don't override wal-hyper-mock (361c6f2 )
dap-mode: only require subpackages after loading (2d27935 )
wal-lsp-dwim: don't move to end of line for looking-at (dd17e52 )
consult: add command to just display buffer (63517f1 )
org-agenda: rename created tab to "agenda" (d26a5fe )
org-clock: allow setting any keyword on clock-out (9726308 )
org-super-agenda: only use groups for org-agenda-list (cf48e63 )
useful: go to previous window after isearch-other-window (dee6a8f )
wal-supernova: only close first layer with argument (9edda64 )
bookmark: bind bookmark-set also to b (0893275 )
ibuffer: remap buffer-list to ibuffer-other-window (2dc3838 )
org-agenda: bind return to org-agenda-goto (11432e3 )
org-roam: make capturing the default binding again (1aeaf2f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.