Technologies I have utilized extensively, both in studies and for side projects
Technologies I have used, but not extensively
Technologies I am focusing on this semester
Technologies I am dipping my toes into
Technologies I want to learn in the near future
🔭 I’m currently working on
- Working at Lime Green Digital AS as a fullstack developer
📫 How to reach me:
- Email: [email protected] (all other contact info can be gotten through mail)
😄 Pronouns:
- He/him
⚡ Fun fact:
- I have a special interest for economy, and was planning to head this direction before entering the millitary. During this time I found my interest for programming, and realized I wanted to head in the direction of informatics.
- I've been rated top 4000 (aproximatly top 0.2%) in valorant, one of the most popular tactical fps games. I am a strong believer that this has also improved my skill within managing and working within teams.
- IN1000 - Introduction to objectoriented programming [Python]
- IN1020 - Introduction to data technologies
- Exphil03 - Examen Philosophicum
- IN1010 - Objectoriented programming [Java]
- IN1030 - Systems, demands and consequences
- IN1150 - Logical methods
- IN2010 - Algorithms and data structures
- IN2120 - Information security
- IN2090 - Databases and data modelling
- IN2000 - Software Engineering with project [Android Studio, Kotlin, XML]
- IN2140 - Introduction to operating systems og data communication [C, VSCode]
- [Summer break]