NEW: New comment box will have a peachish background color if append mode is enabled.
CHANGE: Major overhaul of output text to limit number of jQuery operations. BIG speed increase.
CHANGE: Removed automated custom sheet creation / conversion.
CHANGE: Added manual custom sheet creation / conversion (conversion will still work).
CHANGE: Alert box completely removed in favor of WazeWrap alerts (missed one or two).
CHANGE: Ability to translate intersection / segment naming to locales.
CHANGE: Catch if row 25 is not set to "GROUP TITLE" and report gracefully.
CHANGE: Queue auto-sent reminders info box and display after completion of routine.
CHANGE: Better handle carriage returns during shortcut insertion.
BUGFIX: Restoring settings would inadvertantly get overwritten by WazeWrap backups.
BUGFIX: Better handling of errors in processing so mask boxes get removed.
BUGFIX: Improper handling of mouse events in some browsers.