NEW: Setting to auto zoom out after closing UR panel.
NEW: Shortcut to insert permalink to UR.
NEW: Spreadsheet shortcut of "$PERMALINK$" to insert permalink to UR.
CHANGE: Faster load time.
CHANGE: Far less script execution awaits, letting script run more synchronously.
CHANGE: Style compatibility with WME v2.62-35-g266443036.
BUGFIX: Permalink shortcut icon not working correctly. (2020.09.09.01)
BUGFIX: Side panel alignments in certain situations. (2020.09.09.01)
BUGFIX: Script style setting not correctly showing in settings.
BUGFIX: Better error handling.
BUGFIX: WazeWrap stored settings not applied in some cases.
BUGFIX: Multiple event listeners in certain situations.
BUGFIX: Width of UR panel not wide enough for text (native WME issue).