WebScrapingApi is an API that allows scraping websites while using rotating proxies to prevent bans. This SDK for Scrapy allows you to create a Scrapy spider, integrated with our API.
To use the API and the SDK you will need a API Key. You can get one by registering at WebScrapingApi
Run the following command in the main folder of your project:
pip install webscrapingapi-scrapy-sdk
To use our API combined with Scrapy you first should install scrapy and create a new project by running these commands:
pip install scrapy
pip install webscrapingapi-scrapy-sdk
scrapy startproject myproject
cd myproject
Now that Scrapy created our project, the first step is to update the project's settings by adding at the end of the file /myproject/myproject/settings.py the following lines:
'webscrapingapi_scrapy_sdk.WebScrapingApiMiddleware': 543,
The next part is creating the spider. We will name our spider example.py and we will place it in myproject/myproject/spiders/
The source code for the spider is:
from webscrapingapi_scrapy_sdk import WebScrapingApiSpider, WebScrapingApiRequest
class ExampleSpider(WebScrapingApiSpider):
name = 'example'
parseIndex = 0
def start_requests(self):
start_urls = [
for url in start_urls:
yield WebScrapingApiRequest(url, params={
# API Parameters
# Set to 0 (off, default) or 1 (on) depending on whether or not to render JavaScript on the target web page. JavaScript rendering is done by using a browser.
'render_js': 1,
# Set datacenter (default) or residential depending on whether proxy type you want to use for your scraping request. Please note that a single residential proxy API request is counted as 25 API requests.
'proxy_type': 'datacenter',
# Specify the 2-letter code of the country you would like to use as a proxy geolocation for your scraping API request. Supported countries differ by proxy type, please refer to the Proxy Locations section for details.
'country': 'us',
# Set depending on whether or not to use the same proxy address to your request.
'session': 1,
# Specify the maximum timeout in milliseconds you would like to use for your scraping API request. In order to force a timeout, you can specify a number such as 1000. This will abort the request after 1000ms and return whatever HTML response was obtained until this point in time.
'timeout': 10000,
# Set desktop (default) or mobile or tablet, depending on whether the device type you want to your for your scraping request.
'device': 'desktop',
# Specify the option you would like to us as conditional for your scraping API request. Can only be used when the parameter render_js=1 is activated.
'wait_until': 'domcontentloaded',
# Some websites may use javascript frameworks that may require a few extra seconds to load their content. This parameters specifies the time in miliseconds to wait for the website. Recommended values are in the interval 5000-10000.
'wait_for': 0,
}, headers={
# API Headers
'authorization': 'bearer test',
# Specify custom cookies to be passed to the request.
'cookie': 'test_cookie=abc; cookie_2=def'
def parse(self, response):
self.parseIndex += 1
filename = f'page-{self.parseIndex}.html'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
To understand better the WebScrapingAPI parameters, please read our documentation
Now that we have the spider, the only thing left to do is run it, by executing the following command:
scrapy crawl example
This spider should create 2 html files in the project folder, with the html sources from the links: https://httpbin.org and http://httpbin.org/ip
For any questions or issues that you may find, please contact us via the contact page