Free, ad-free, open-source simple password generator for Android.
This app provides a highly customizable and secure way to generate passwords for all your needs. It’s lightweight, user-friendly, and ensures maximum security without compromising ease of use.
Enhance your browsing experience with our extension, available for:
- Github
- Chrome Store (soon)
- Firefox Add-ons
- Edge Store (soon)
Easily generate passwords by selecting the following options:
- Include numbers
- Include uppercase letters
- Include lowercase letters
- Include special characters
Secure and consistent passwords can be generated using:
- A master password
- A unique salt
- A version number
The app uses cryptographic techniques to ensure passwords are both highly secure and unique, protecting your accounts from potential threats.
The intuitive interface makes it easy to customize and generate passwords without any hassle.
免費、無廣告、開源的簡單密碼生成器,適用於 Android。
- 包含數字
- 包含大寫英文字母
- 包含小寫英文字母
- 包含特殊符號
- 主密碼
- 唯一的 鹽值 (Salt)
- 版本號
Feel free to download and contribute to the project!