Releases: Wenlab/Colbert-Processing-Pipeline
Releases · Wenlab/Colbert-Processing-Pipeline
Download your yaml files and HUDS.avi video files (which were generated using Colbert system to image) from servers.
It's suggested to sort the file according to the experimental groups and worm numbers, like 'WEN1111\ctl\w1\20241017_2112_w1.yaml'.
Use code in sequence from S1 to S7 for data preprocessing. (S4 needs to be done by human action rather than code)
Finally you will end up with mat files named like 'w1_mcd_corred_swapped.mat', which storage temporal and spatial information about the nematodes photographed, and csv files named like 'machine_label_frame_window_10.csv', which storage machine-labeled classification results of nematode behavior.
Matlab Version: R2021a