Pokédex is an essential device in Pokémon games, providing detailed information about the Pokémon encountered and helping players learn about the creatures of the Pokémon world.
You can find the Pokémon you want by passing the Pokémon's name or Pokédex Number
It is possible to generate all Pokémon from each season.
Skills: JS Vaniila, CSS, HTML, SPA, Rest API, PokeAPI
This application downloads music and videos from YouTube
Skills:JavaScript, NodeJS, Jquery, Rest API, Handlebars
This game was made using the "Phaser" engine with the purpose of being a prototype for building a larger game.
Skills: TypeScript, Phaser 3, TiledMap, Json
Macro made in Python, using the PySimpleGUI libraries for the graphical interface and PyAutoGUI. This macro consists of pressing buttons at a time determined by the user, with up to 4 actions in use at the same time. When an action occurs, the button pressed and the number of times this action occurred is announced in the macro console.
Skills: Python, PyAutogui, PySimpleGui, Multithreading
A delivery service, is a system that allows consumers to order and receive products or services directly to their homes or locations of choice, rather than physically visiting a store, restaurant or service provider. This business model offers customers convenience, saves time, and is often a convenient option for meeting shopping or dining needs.
Skills: TypeScript, CSS, React, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB (Atlas), Mongoose, Rest API