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Custom Block Types

Jacob Granberry edited this page Feb 21, 2025 · 6 revisions

Block Types Reference

This page details all available block types and their specific properties.

Solid Block (solid)

Basic full block with customizable textures for each face.

    "blockName": "6sided_birch",
    "blockType": "solid",
    "hardness": 2,
    "stepSound": "wood",
    "material": "wood",
    "resistance": 5,
    "creativeTab": "westeros_logs_tab",
    "label": "6-Sided Birch",
    "textures": [

Optional: rotateRandom, colorMult, collisionBoxes, supportBoxes

Sand Block (sand)

Falling block that behaves like sand.

    "blockName": "sand_skeleton",
    "blockType": "sand",
    "hardness": 0.5,
    "stepSound": "sand",
    "material": "sand",
    "creativeTab": "westeros_sand_gravel_tab",
    "label": "Sand Skeleton",
    "colorMult": "textures/colormap/sand",
    "textures": [

Optional: rotateRandom, colorMult

Layer Block (layer)

Similar to snow layers, with 8 height levels (1-8).

  "blockType": "layer",
  "textures": ["texture"]

Log Block (log)

Wood log block with special orientation properties.

    "blockName": "weirwood_face_1",
    "blockType": "log",
    "stepSound": "wood",
    "material": "wood",
    "harvestLevel": [
            "tool": "axe",
            "level": 1
    "creativeTab": "westeros_logs_tab",
    "label": "Weirwood Face 1",
    "textures": [
    "display": {
        "gui": {
            "rotation": [ -70, 0, 150 ],
            "translation": [ 0, 0, 0],
            "scale":[ 0.625, 0.625, 0.625 ]

Stairs (stair)

Stair block that requires a model block reference.

    "blockName": "stacked_bones_stairs",
    "blockType": "stair",
    "stepSound": "stone",
    "material": "rock",
    "harvestLevel": [
            "tool": "axe",
            "level": 1
    "creativeTab": "westeros_misc_tab",
    "type": "unconnect:false,no-uvlock",
    "label": "Stacked Bones Stairs",
    "isCustomModel": true,
    "textures": [

Optional: ambientOcclusion, colorMult, overlayTextures

Slab (slab)

Half-height block.

    "blockName": "apple_basket_slab",
    "blockType": "slab",
    "hardness": 2,
    "stepSound": "cloth",
    "material": "wood",
    "resistance": 2,
    "harvestLevel": [
            "tool": "shovel",
            "level": 1
    "creativeTab": "westeros_food_blocks_tab",
    "label": "Apple Basket Slab",
    "textures": [

Optional: ambientOcclusion, colorMult, overlayTextures

Wall (wall)

Connection-aware wall block.

    "blockName": "light_oldtown_brick_engraved_wall",
    "blockType": "wall",
    "hardness": 1.5,
    "stepSound": "stone",
    "material": "rock",
    "resistance": 10,
    "harvestLevel": [
            "tool": "pickaxe",
            "level": 1
    "creativeTab": "westeros_panelling_carvings_tab",
    "type": "unconnect:false",
    "label": "Ashlar Engraved Light Oldtown Wall",
    "textures": [

Optional: overlayTextures

Door (door)

Two-block high door with open/close states.

    "blockName": "northern_wood_door",
    "blockType": "door",
    "woodType": "dark_oak",
    "hardness": 2,
    "stepSound": "wood",
    "material": "wood",
    "resistance": 5,
    "creativeTab": "westeros_wood_planks_tab",
    "label": "Northern Wood Door",
    "textures": [
    "type": "allow-unsupported"

Fence (fence)

Connection-aware fence block.

  "blockType": "fence",
  "textures": [
    "bottom", "top", "side"

Optional: overlayTextures

Fence Gate (fencegate)

Gate that connects to fences.

  "blockType": "fencegate",
  "textures": ["texture"],
  "type": "locked:true"

Trapdoor (trapdoor)

Single-block door that can be placed on any face.

  "blockType": "trapdoor",
  "textures": ["texture"],
  "type": "locked:true"

Torch (torch)

Wall or floor torch with light emission.

  "blockType": "torch",
  "textures": ["texture"]

Plant (plant)

Small decorative plant.

  "blockType": "plant",
  "textures": ["texture"],
  "colorMult": "grass"

Optional: rotateRandom, states for growth stages

Crop (crop)

Farmable crop with growth stages.

  "blockType": "crop",
  "textures": ["texture"],
  "states": [
      "stateID": "stage0",
      "textures": ["stage0"]

Leaves (leaves)

Tree leaves with decay and transparency.

  "blockType": "leaves",
  "textures": [
    "up_down", "sides",
    "branch", "overlay_up",
  "type": "better-foliage,no-decay"

Sound (sound)

Block that can play sounds.

  "blockType": "sound",
  "soundList": ["sound1", "sound2"],
  "type": "period:30,random-add:10"


Block that can emit particles.

  "blockName": "wildfire_particle_emitter",
  "blockType": "particle",
  "particle": ["wildfire"],

Beacon (beacon)

Complex block with multiple parts.

  "blockType": "beacon",
  "textures": [
    "outer_bottom", "outer_top",
    "outer_sides", "inner_all"

Furnace (furnace)

Functional furnace block.

  "blockType": "furnace",
  "textures": [
    "bottom", "top", "side",
    "front_on", "front_off"

Advanced Block Types

Cuboid Variants

  • cuboid: Basic custom-shaped block
  • cuboid-ne: North-east connecting
  • cuboid-nsew: Four-way connecting
  • cuboid-nsewud: Six-way connecting
  • cuboid-16way: 16-direction connecting
  • cuboid-nsew-stack: Stackable connecting blocks

These types share similar properties but have different connection behaviors.

Basic cuboid configuration:

  "blockType": "cuboid",
  "textures": ["texture1", "texture2"],
  "cuboids": [
      "xMin": 0,
      "xMax": 1,
      "yMin": 0,
      "yMax": 1,
      "zMin": 0,
      "zMax": 1,
      "sideTextures": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

All cuboid types support:

  • Multiple cuboid shapes
  • Custom textures per face
  • State-based variations
  • Random rotation
  • Color multiplication
  • Custom models