Collect hardware count and temperature when running benchmark
System:Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
third-party tools:
(1)cpupower, to control the running frequency
(2)lm-sensors, to read temperature sensor results
hardware: The CPU should have built-in temperature sensors
by default, the two feature, reading hardware temperature sensors and estimating temperature based on performance counters, are both enabled. The user can disable and enable them by changing the line 3 and 4 of the CMakeLists.txt in the top directory. For example, to disable reading hardware sensors, change line 3 to: set(HARD_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_ENABLE "OFF")
cd third_party_lib/papi-5.5.1/src
sudo make install-all
cd ../../../
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
then move mcftp to the main folder
a. sudo cpupower -c all frequency-set -g userspace
b. sudo cpupower -c all frequency-set -f FREQUENCY
c. cd ../main
d. make
e. sudo python
A file saving performance counts and related hardware temperatures will be generated in this directory one hour later
You can modify the running time of the program and the frequency of data collection in Examplebenchmark.xml, and preset_native_test.c