Experience the thrill of chain mutations with our game, originally developed as part of the ETHIndia Hackathon 💻 We've transformed it into a fun social experiment! Introducing Whisper Chain, our take on the classic game of Chinese whispers or telephone📞
Built on Lens Protocol, the objective of the game is simple: there's no winning or losing. Instead, the goal is to observe how much the original seed image changes as it gets passed along the chain. Check how mutations translate into a completely new image over a single chain! 👀
The concept is super simple:
- 🌿 Sign in with your Lens profile.
- 👉 Check out how the community has generated their mutations and generate to add your own to the chain.
- 🌄 Recreate the last whisper added to the chain by describing the image as best as you can, in as many words + using our fire filters.
- 💰 Collect the NFTs to show your support; the collect proceeds go to the user who generated it.
- whisper-chain-fe: WhisperChain Frontend Repository
- whisper-chain-be: WhisperChain Backend Repository