A lightweight plugin to filter and hide console messages and remove old log files.
- Java 17
- Paper or Waterfall
Spigot, BungeeCord and forks of Paper / Waterfall may work, but aren't tested or supported. I have no interest in providing support for ancient Minecraft versions so don't bother asking.
Spigot / Paper: /reloadconsolefilter - Reload the configuration
BungeeCord / Waterfall: /breloadconsolefilter - Reload the configuration
Velocity: /vreloadconsolefilter - Reload the configuration
- consolefilter.reload - Allow the usage of the config reload command (both platforms)
There are plugins that work in a similar way, but they don't work the way I want them to. It's mainly for my personal use, so I won't be working on any feature requests. This is an all-in-one-solution for both Waterfall and Paper.