These are my configuration for neovim
, zsh
, and tmux
using nix and home-manager.
- install nix
# the official installer
sh <(curl -L
# or the installer provided by `determinate systems`
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
- clone this repo and modify the personal info in
nix-shell -p git vim
git clone ~/dotfiles && cd ~/dotfiles
vim ./config/default.nix
- apply home-manager settings
NIX_CONFIG="experimental-features = flakes nix-command" nix run . switch -- -b bak --flake .
- (optional) download nerd fonts for the terminal emulator
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
- William Hsieh
- YouTube: Vim tutorial
Inspiration and code were taken from many sources, including:
- Maxin Cardamom
- Damian Conway and his vim configuration
- Nick Nisi and his presentation
- Hermann Vocke and his dotfiles repository
- Mathias Bynens and his dotfiles repository
- Michael Peter and his nvim configuration
- Christian Chiarulli and his nvim configuration
- Folke Lemaitre and the lazyvim distro
- Gabriel Fontes and his nix starter template
- Anyone who made a helpful suggestion