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React website built for a private Discord server, featuring Discord authentication, access to private YouTube videos, member statistics, feedback submission, and more.

Demo Site

This is a demo version of the website, where users can override their user session to experience the site as different roles without logging in or being a member of the Discord server. Use the "Demo menu" button at the bottom of the page to switch roles:



  • Home Page: General information about the Discord server and mentions of the website's features.
  • Videos Page: Shows server's YouTube videos. Logged-in members of the Discord server can watch private videos.
  • Statistics Page: Provides group members statistics. Displays the top 3 members in a podium format.
  • Feedback Page: Allows members to send feedback to the moderation team. Only moderators can view the feedback messages.
  • Profile Page: Shows logged-in user's information and allows them to link their social accounts.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React, Vite, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Framer Motion
  • Backend: Node.js, Express, Discord.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Authentication: Supabase

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Thunderblaze
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Configure environment variables: Rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the values:

    Variable Description
    PORT The port where the backend server will run, e.g., 3000.
    MONGOUSER MongoDB database username found in Database Access section of your project.
    MONGOPASS MongoDB database password found in Database Access section of your project.
    DISCORD_TOKEN Bot token found in Bot > Token in your Discord Developer Portal application.
    DISCORD_GUILD_ID The ID of your Discord server.
    YTAPI Youtube API key found in APIs & Services > Credentials in Google Cloud Console.
    YTCHANNELID The ID of your YouTube channel playlist. (Channel ID with UC replaced with UU)
    YTPRIVATEID The ID of your private YouTube playlist.
    STEAM_API_KEY Steam API key found in
    VITE_SUPAAPI Anon key found in Project Settings > API > Project API keys in your Supabase project.
    VITE_SUPAURL URL found in Project Settings > API > Project URL in your Supabase project.
    VITE_WEBSITEADDRESS The URL where your frontend is hosted, e.g., .
    SESSION_SECRET A random string used to sign sessions.
  4. Run the application:

    # Start the backend server and Discord bot
    npm run server
    # Start the frontend development server
    npm run dev
  5. (Optional): Integrate with botBob

    To enable timeout tracking, you can integrate the website with botBob, a public Discord bot I've developed. This bot allows users to be timed out via a voting system and then record these timeouts in a database. Make sure botBob is set up and connected to the same MongoDB database used for this project. Follow the setup instructions provided in the repository for botBob.

Discord Bot Commands

  • !website, !homepage, !www - Provides link to the website's homepage.
  • !stats, !statistics - Provides link to the statistics page.
  • !video, !videos - Provides link to the videos page.
  • !feedback - Provides link to the feedback page.

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/feedback - Retrieve all feedback.
  • POST /api/feedback - Submit feedback.
  • DELETE /api/feedback/:id - Delete feedback by ID.
  • GET /api/stats/discord/timeouts - Retrieve Discord timeout amounts for all members.
  • GET /api/stats/discord/messages - Retrieve Discord message amounts for all members.
  • POST /api/stats/discord/messages - Add Discord message amounts for members.
  • GET /api/discord/members - Retrieve Discord members from cache.
  • GET /api/discord/members/:refresh - Force refresh Discord members.
  • GET /api/discord/voicemembers - Retrieve members in voice channels.
  • GET /api/discord/validateimg - Validate a Discord profile picture.
  • GET /api/steam/:id - Initiate Steam login.
  • GET /api/steam/authenticate/:id - Callback for Steam login.
  • GET /api/lichess/:id - Initiate Lichess login.
  • GET /api/lichess/callback/:id - Callback for Lichess login.
  • GET /api/videos/public - Retrieve public YouTube videos.
  • GET /api/videos/private - Retrieve private YouTube videos.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.