This project serves as a test project to evaluate job prospects technical skills and work habits. It consists of a basic angular/bootstrap application where applicants will be asked to implement certain features.
This project uses the following technologies:
- Angular 9 (
- Bootstrap 4 (
- RX JS (
- Node.js and NPM (Node package manager) (
- Git version control (
- Sass css pre-processor (
- Font awesome icons (
Before continuing please install a Git client, and Node.js (version 10 or higher) for your platform.
Clone this repository using git clone <url>
with the url specified at the top of this page.
Create a personal branch of the master branch where you can commit your code. Run git checkout -b app-<your-name>
to create a local branch.
First install all the npm packages using npm install
. This will download all the required packages to the node_modules folder.
Secondly install the ng cli tool, using npm install -g @angular/cli
. (
Run ng serve
inside the project directory to start a development server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
For each assignment you will be asked for patch files. The patch files should contain only the changes relevant to the assignment.
Create a new branch from your personal branch for each assignment git checkout -b assignment-<NR>
. When you are done, add and commit your changes to the assignment branch.
To create a patch use git format-patch app-<name> -o patches/assignment-<NR>
which will create patch file for each commit with all the changes between your assignment branch, and the base branch, and place them in the directory patches/assignment-X.
Finally merge your changes into your personal branch by running git checkout app-<name>
and git merge assignment-<NR>
. You are now free to create a new branch for the next assignment.
The task(s) specific assignment will be delivered to you separately. They can cover html & (s)css, javascript/typescipt or angular topics depending on your skills.
The application is a basic browser based application. It has a header bar, a side menu and a main content container. Pages will be loaded in the main container. The following pages exist in the application:
- Dashboard (empty)
- Overview of items
- Details of single item
- Create new item page
The application follows a common angular directory structure. The relevant files are all located in the /src directory.
- /src/app -> all the angular code
- /src/app/components -> all the angular components (e.g. overview, header, menu, etc)
- /src/app/services -> all the application services (e.g. data-service)
- /src/app/model -> all the application data model (e.g. data-item)
- /src/assets -> images & icons
- /src/scss -> all the scss pre-processor files
The application contains a data service that stores entries in memory. This means new items are lost after every refresh. Please use the provisioned items for testing. The data service has a limit of 100 items, and applies a small delay on requests to simulate a real data service.