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OOP-game-in-C-using-console PublicCelem projektu jest implementacja programu o charakterze symulatora wirtualnego świata, który ma strukturę dwuwymiarowej kraty o dowolnym, zadanym przez użytkownika rozmiarze NxM. W świecie tym ist…
OOP-game-in-Java-using-Swing PublicThe aim of the project is to implement a program as a virtual world simulator, which has the structure of a two-dimensional grid of any size NxM set by the user. In this world, there are simple lif…
OOP-game-in-Python-using-console PublicThe aim of the project is to implement a program as a virtual world simulator, which has the structure of a two-dimensional grid of any size NxM set by the user. In this world, there are simple lif…
FOL-vs-NeuralNetwork-AI-comparation PublicThe aim of the project was to compare artificial intelligence in the form of the FOL method and a neural network on the example of learning the game Minesweeper and comparing their effectiveness.
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