Surf is a fork of LeeesExploitFixer of a fork of 254nm's L2X9Core
A plugin for anarchy servers that aim to fix exploits, detect and remove illegal/NBT items.
Recommended use as a addition with AnarchyExploitFixes and Panilla to become 100% functional.
- Support Java 21 and higher
- Support 1.12.2 ~ Latest Minecraft version (1.21.4)
- Compatible with Paper / Paper Forks
- Folia Support
- Prevent all crash exploits that I know of
- Prevent ChunkBan
- Patch BookBan without disabling shulker peek
- Prevent EndPortal greifing
- Patch players using the OffHand crash module in certan hacked clients to crash the server with books
- Prevent players from using illegal items
- Remove illegal potion effects from players
- Remove falling block server crashers
- Active development
- 📫 Discord:
| QQ:2682173972
prefix modules ChunkBan NBTBAN