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My research papers reading list. Animation and Robotics.

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Research Papers List of Jiawei Gao

I will try to summarize each paper in one sentence. Important papers will be marked with ⭐. If you find something interesting or want to discuss it with me, feel free to contact me via Email or Github issues.

Inspired by my friend Ze's Reading List.

Legged Robots

  • arXiv 2024.10, FRASA: An End-to-End Reinforcement Learning Agent for Fall Recovery and Stand Up of Humanoid Robots. Paper. Training a DRL policy for fall recovery on kid size humanoid robots.
  • arXiv 2024.10, Learning Humanoid Locomotion over Challenging Terrain. Arxiv. First pretrain using transformer to do next-sequnece prediction, then fine-tune with RL.
  • ⭐ SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, MaskedMimic: Unified Physics-Based Character Control Through Masked Motion Inpainting. Website, Code.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Real-Time Whole-Body Control of Legged Robots with Model-Predictive Path Integral Control. Website. MPPI on quadrupeds.
  • Humanoids 2024, Know your limits! Optimize the behavior of bipedal robots through self-awareness. Website. Generate many reference trajectories given textual commands, and use a self-awareness module to rank them.
  • arXiv 2024.09, PIP-Loco: A Proprioceptive Infinite Horizon Planning Framework for Quadrupedal Robot Locomotion. Paper, Code. Training future horizon prediction in simulation, and use MPPI when deployment.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Learning Skateboarding for Humanoid Robots through Massively Parallel Reinforcement Learning. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Learning to Open and Traverse Doors with a Legged Manipulator. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.09, One Policy to Run Them All: an End-to-end Learning Approach to Multi-Embodiment Locomotion. Paper. Learn an abstract locomotion controller, encoder-decoder architecture.
  • SCA 2024, PartwiseMPC: Interactive Control of Contact-Guided Motions. Website. Utilize contact keyframes as task description and partwise MPC.
  • arXiv 2024.07, Learning Multi-Modal Whole-Body Control for Real-World Humanoid Robots. Website. Mask commands so that the robots can track different command modalities.
  • arXiv 2024.04, Learning H-Infinity Locomotion Control. Website. Adding a learnable disturber network to achieve the robustness of the policy.
  • arXiv 2024.08, PIE: Parkour with Implicit-Explicit Learning Framework for Legged Robots. Paper. Use A2C framework, implicit state estimation by VAE, explicit state estimation by regression.
  • arXiv 2024.07, Berkeley Humanoid: A Research Platform for Learning-based Control. Website. A low-cost, DIY-style, mid-scale humanoid robot.
  • arXiv 2024.07, Wheeled Humanoid Bilateral Teleoperation with Position-Force Control Modes for Dynamic Loco-Manipulation. Paper. Designed a system to retarget human loco-manipulation into a small wheeled robot with hands.
  • ⭐ arXiv 2024.7, UMI on Legs: Making Manipulation Policies Mobile with Manipulation-Centric Whole-body Controllers. Website, Code.Use end-effector trajectories in the task frame as interface between manipulation policy and wholebody controller.
  • arXiv 2024.06, SLR: Learning Quadruped Locomotion without Privileged Information. Website. Learning some representation and state transition model. Quite confused because of the poor writing.
  • arXiv 2024.05, Impedance Matching: Enabling an RL-Based Running Jump in a Quadruped Robot. Paper. Sim-to-real synchronization based on frequency-domain analysis.
  • arXiv 2024.05, Combining Teacher-Student with Representation Learning: A Concurrent Teacher-Student Reinforcement Learning Paradigm for Legged Locomotion. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.04, DiffuseLoco: Real-Time Legged Locomotion Control with Diffusion from Offline Datasets. Paper. Use DDPM to learn from offline dataset, introducing delayed input and action predictions tricks for real-time deployment.
  • arXiv 2024.03, VBC: Visual Whole-Body Control for Legged Loco-Manipulation. Website, Code. Decouple into low-level and high-level policy, end-effector positions are the interface.
  • arXiv 2024.03, RoboDuet: A Framework Affording Mobile-Manipulation and Cross-Embodiment. Website. First train locomotion when arm is fixed, and then train loco policy and arm policy jointly.
  • arXiv 2024.01, Adaptive Mobile Manipulation for Articulated Objects In the Open World. Website. Learning at test time. Use CLIP to generate reward: compute the similarity score of the observed image and 2 prompts, "door that is closed" and "door that is open"
  • ⭐ RSS 2024, RL2AC: Reinforcement Learning-based Rapid Online Adaptive Control for Legged Robot Robust Locomotion. Paper. Adding feed forward into PD controller.
  • RSS 2024, (Best Paper Award Finalist), Advancing Humanoid Locomotion: Mastering Challenging Terrains with Denoising World Model Learning. Paper.
  • RSS 2024, Rethinking Robustness Assessment: Adversarial Attacks on Learning-based Quadrupedal Locomotion Controllers. Website.
  • L4DC 2024, Learning and Deploying Robust Locomotion Policies with Minimal Dynamics Randomization. arXiv. RFI (Random Force Injection)
  • TRO 2024, Adaptive Force-Based Control of Dynamic Legged Locomotion over Uneven Terrain. Paper. Incorporating adaptive control into a force-based control system.
  • ⭐ CoRL 2022, Deep Whole-Body Control: Learning a Unified Policy for Manipulation and Locomotion. Website, Code. Advantage mixing and Regularized Online Adaptation.
  • ICRA 2024, Learning Force Control for Legged Manipulation. Website, Thesis Paper. End effector force tracking.
  • ⭐ TRO 2024, Not Only Rewards but Also Constraints: Applications on Legged Robot Locomotion. Paper. Utilize constraints instead of reward function. Use IPO to solve the constrained RL problem.
  • arXiv 2023.04, Torque-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task-and-Robot Agnostic Learning on Bipedal Robots Using Sim-to-Real Transfer. Paper. The policy outputs torque directly at 250 HZ.
  • arXiv 2023.03, Learning Bipedal Walking for Humanoids with Current Feedback. Paper. Simulation poor torque tracking in simulation, measure and track torque in real robots.
  • CoRL 2023, Learning to See Physical Properties with Active Sensing Motor Policies. Website. Active Sensing: adding the error of physical properties estimation into reward function.
  • RSS 2023, Demonstrating a Walk in the Park: Learning to Walk in 20 Minutes With Model-Free Reinforcement Learning. Website, Code. Learning locomotion directly in real world, using SAC algorithms in Jax.
  • IROS 2023, Hierarchical Adaptive Control for Collaborative Manipulation of a Rigid Object by Quadrupedal Robots. Paper.
  • ICRA 2023, Legs as Manipulator: Pushing Quadrupedal AgilityBeyond Locomotion. Website. Use one front leg as manipulator. First train locomotion and manipulation policy respectively, and then learn a behavior tree from demonstration to stitch previous skills together.
  • ICRA 2023, Hierarchical Adaptive Loco-manipulation Control for Quadruped Robots. Paper. An adaptive controller to solve the locomotion and manipulation tasks simultaneously. Use the position and velocity error to update the adaptive controller for manipulations.
  • arXiv 2022.05, Bridging Model-based Safety and Model-free Reinforcement Learning through System Identification of Low Dimensional Linear Models. Paper. Dynamics of Cassie under RL policies can be seen as a low dimensional linear system.
  • arXiv 2022.03, RoLoMa: Robust Loco-Manipulation for Quadruped Robots with Arms. Paper
  • ISRR 2022, Reference-Free Learning Bipedal Motor Skills via Assistive Force Curricula. Paper. Learning bipedal locomotion utilizing assistive force.
  • CoRL 2022, Oral. Walk These Ways: Tuning Robot Control for Generalization with Multiplicity of Behavior. Website, Github. Multiplicity of Behavior (MoB): learning a single policy that encodes a structured family of locomotion strategies that solve training tasks in different ways.
  • RSS 2022, Rapid Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning. Website, Code. Implicit System Identification.
  • IROS 2022, PI-ARS: Accelerating Evolution-Learned Visual-Locomotion with Predictive Information Representations. Paper. Predictive Information Representations: Learn an encoder to maximize predictive information (the mutual information between past and future.)
  • IROS 2022, Adapting Rapid Motor Adaptation for Bipedal Robots. Paper. Further finetune the base policy $\pi_1$ with the imperfect extrinsics predicted by the adaptation module $\phi$.
  • RA-L 2022, Concurrent Training of a Control Policy and a State Estimator for Dynamic and Robust Legged Locomotion. Paper
  • RA-L 2022, Combining Learning-Based Locomotion Policy With Model-Based Manipulation for Legged Mobile Manipulators. Paper. Decouple the manipulator control from base policy training by modeling the disturbances from the manipulator as predictable external wrenches.
  • ⭐ Science Robotics 2022, Learning Robust Perceptive Locomotion for Quadrupedal Robots in the Wild. Paper. Adding a belief state encoder based on attention mechanism, which can fuse perceptive information and proprioceptive information.
  • IROS 2021, Adaptive Force-based Control for Legged Robots. Paper. L1 adaptive control law, force-based control.
  • CoRL 2021, Learning to Walk in Minutes Using Massively Parallel Deep Reinforcement Learning. Paper.
  • RA-L 2020, Learning Fast Adaptation with Meta Strategy Optimization. Paper. Finding the latent representations as an optimization problem.
  • Science Robotics, 2020, Multi-Expert Learning of Adaptive Legged Locomotion. Paper. Use gating neural network to learn the combination of expert skill networks.
  • Science Robotics 2020, Learning Quadrupedal Locomotion over Challenging Terrain. Paper.
  • arXiv 2020.04, Learning Agile Robotic Locomotion Skills by Imitating Animals. Paper, Code.
  • IROS 2019, Sim-to-Real Transfer for Biped Locomotion. Paper. Pre-sysID and post-sysID.
  • ICRA 2019, ALMA - Articulated Locomotion and Manipulation for a Torque-Controllable Robot. Paper. Track operational space motion and force references with a wholebody control algorithm that generates torque references for all the controllable joints by using hierarchical optimization.
  • ACC 2015, L1 Adaptive Control for Bipedal Robots with Control Lyapunov Function based Quadratic Programs. Paper.
  • ICRA 2015, Whole-body Pushing Manipulation with Contact Posture Planning of Large and Heavy Object for Humanoid Robot. Paper . Generate pushing motion for humanoid robots, based on ZMP.

Robotics Manipulation

  • ⭐ arXiv 2024.10, Overcoming Slow Decision Frequencies in Continuous Control: Model-Based Sequence Reinforcement Learning for Model-Free Control. Paper. Policy model output a sequence of actions.
  • arXiv 2024.10, ARCap: Collecting High-quality Human Demonstrations for Robot Learning with Augmented Reality Feedback. Website, Code. Using AR feedback when collecting human demonstrations.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Hand-object interaction pretraining from videos. Website, Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Closed-Loop Visuomotor Control with Generative Expectation for Robotic Manipulation. Paper. Use a decoder to generate action from error embeddings.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Adaptive Control based Friction Estimation for Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators. Paper. Adaptive control methods.
  • arXiv 2024.09, Fast Payload Calibration for Sensorless Contact Estimation Using Model Pre-training. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.08, RP1M: A Large-Scale Motion Dataset for Piano Playing with Bi-Manual Dexterous Robot Hands. Website. A dataset built on RoboPianist with shadow hands.
  • arXiv 2024.08, ACE: A Cross-Platform Visual-Exoskeletons System for Low-Cost Dexterous Teleoperation. Website, Code. A teleoperation system.
  • arXiv 2024.08, A Survey of Embodied Learning for Object-Centric Robotic Manipulation. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.08, Real-time Dexterous Telemanipulation with an End-Effect-Oriented Learning-based Approach. Paper. First using DDPG to train robots to follow operator's command offline, then test it online.
  • arXiv 2024.03, CoPa: General Robotic Manipulation through Spatial Constraints of Parts with Foundational Model. Website.
  • ⭐ RSS 2024, Dynamic On-Palm Manipulation via Controlled Sliding. Website, Code. Using hierarchical control methods: The system is modeled as LCS (Linear Complementarity Model), and then use C3 (Complementary Consensus Control) algorithms to solve. Low-level OSC tracking controller track the end-effector positions and force given by MPC.
  • ⭐ RSS 2024, Universal Manipulation Interface: In-The-Wild Robot Teaching Without In-The-Wild Robots. Website, Code. A data collection framework.
  • RSS 2024, Learning Manipulation by Predicting Interaction. Website, Code.
  • RSS 2024, Any-point Trajectory Modeling for Policy Learning. Website, Code. Utilize points tracking in human videos for policy learning.
  • RA-L 2024, On the Role of the Action Space in Robot Manipulation Learning and Sim-to-Real Transfer, Arxiv. Benchmarked 13 action spaces in FRANKA manipulation skills learning.
  • CoRL 2023 Oral, VoxPoser: Composable 3D Value Map for Robotic Manipulation with Language Models. Website, Code. Utilizing LLM and VLM to write code, thus generating affordance maps and constraint maps in 3D scene.
  • NeurIPS 2023 Spotlight, Learning Universal Policies via Text-Guided Video Generation. Website, Code, Openreview. Formulate the sequential decision making problem as a text-conditioned video generation problem.
  • CoRL 2020, Transporter Networks: Rearranging the Visual World for Robotic Manipulation. Website. Learning pick-conditioned placing via transporting for robotics manipulation.
  • IROS 2001, Adaptive force control of position/velocity controlled robots: theory and experiment. Paper. Popose 2 velocity based implicit force trajectory tracking controllers
  • TMECH 1999, A Survey of Robot Interaction Control Schemes with Experimental Comparison. Paper.
  • 1987, Dynamic Hybrid Position/Force Control of Robot Manipulators-Description of Hand Constraints and Calculation of Joint Driving Force. Paper.
  • 1981, Hybrid Position/Force Control of Manipulators. Paper.

Reinforcement Learning

  • arXiv 2018.10, Exploration by Random Network Distillation. Paper. RND for exploration.
  • ⭐ ICML 2017, Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction. Website, Code. Formulate curiosity as the error in an agent’s ability to predict the consequence of its own actions in a visual feature space learned by a self-supervised inverse dynamics model.

Random Papers

  • arXiv 2024.09, Fine Manipulation Using a Tactile Skin: Learning in Simulation and Sim-to-Real Transfer. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.09, A Learning-based Quadcopter Controller with Extreme Adaptation. Paper. RMA for adaptation, combine BC and RL on drones.
  • arXiv 2024.08, All Robots in One: A New Standard and Unified Dataset for Versatile, General-Purpose Embodied Agents. Website.
  • arXiv 2024.08, Scaling Cross-Embodied Learning: One Policy for Manipulation, Navigation, Locomotion and Aviation. Website, Code. Train a transformer policy for cross embodied robots by tokenizing observations and treating actions as readout tokens.
  • arXiv 2024.07, MAGIC-VFM: Meta-learning Adaptation for Ground Interaction Control with Visual Foundation Models. Paper.
  • arXiv 2024.05, Hierarchical World Models as Visual Whole-Body Humanoid Controllers. Website, Code.First train a low-level tracking model using MoCapAct using TD-MPC2, and then train skills on down-stream tasks.
  • CoRL 2024, PianoMime: Learning a Generalist, Dexterous Piano Player from Internet Demonstrations. Website.
  • arXiv 2024.02, Pushing the Limits of Cross-Embodiment Learning for Manipulation and Navigation. Website, Code. A cross embodied transformer policy. Tokenize visual observations and generate actions through a conditional diffusion process.
  • RSS 2024, RoboCasa: Large-Scale Simulation of Everyday Tasks for Generalist Robots. Website, Code. A large-scale simulation framework, a lot of kitchens.
  • ICLR 2024, Spotlight. TD-MPC2: Scalable, Robust World Models for Continuous Control. Website, Code. Adding some tricks on top of TD-MPC.
  • ICLR 2024, RFCL: Reverse Forward Curriculum Learning for Extreme Sample and Demonstration Efficiency in RL. Website, Code.
  • ICRA 2024, Safe Deep Policy Adaptation. Website, Code. Jointly learns adaptive policy and dynamics models in simulation, predicts environment configurations, and fine-tunes dynamics models with few-shot real-world data.
  • CoRL 2023 Oral, DATT: Deep Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor Control. Website, Code. Use L1 adaptive control to estimate disturbance.
  • NeurIPS 2023, Cal-QL: Calibrated Offline RL Pre-Training for Efficient Online Fine-Tuning. Website, Code.
  • CVPR 2022, Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners. Paper. Mask random patches of the input image and reconstruct the missing pixels.
  • ICML 2022, Temporal Difference Learning for Model Predictive Control. Website, Code. Learning the dynamics model that are predictive of reward, and learning a terminal-value function by TD-learning. Use MPPI.
  • ⭐ RSS 2017, Preparing for the Unknown: Learning a Universal Policy with Online System Identification. Using an online system identification model to predict parameter $\mu$ given history, and $\mu$ is the input to the actual policy.
  • arXiv 2016, Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People. Paper.
  • NeurIPS 2016, Learning Physical Intuition of Block Towers by Example. Paper.



My research papers reading list. Animation and Robotics.






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