react-i18loader is a webpack loader for React (or React framework, e.g. Next.js) i18n(Internationalization) solution.
- Extract the sentences to be translated from the target file.
- Generate a JSON file corresponding to target file and fill in the extracted sentences.
- Loader will hanler the target file to import this JSON file and add a method to retrieve the translations.
- Change the $lang in props (You can change it in state or get the value by function, depends on your webpack config) to change the APP language.
First install it:
npm install react-i18loader --save-dev
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/, // this loader will generate *.lang.json beside *.jsx files
exclude: [
use: {
loader: "react-i18loader",
options: {
// The folder where store the language json file.
// If storePath value is null or empty, the language json file would store corresponding to target js/jsx file
storePath: "locales",
languages: ["zh_Hans_CN", "zh_Hant_HK", "en_US"], // The langauages that you App supported
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Hello extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const msg = "我是简体";
return <div>
- You need to change the
to change the language
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Hello from "../components/hello";
export default class Index extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
lang: "zh_Hans_CN"
changeLang(lang) {
render() {
return <div>
<button onClick={this.changeLang.bind(this, "zh_Hans_CN")}>简体中文</button>
<button onClick={this.changeLang.bind(this, "zh_Hant_HK")}>繁體中文</button>
<button onClick={this.changeLang.bind(this, "en_US")}>English</button>
<Hello $lang={this.state.lang}/>
// this loader will generate *.lang.json beside *.jsx files
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
exclude: [
use: {
loader: "react-i18loader",
options: {
// The folder where store the language json file.
// If storePath value is null or empty, the language json file would store corresponding to target js/jsx file
storePath: "locales",
// Required fields.
// The langauages that you App supported
languages: ["zh_Hans_CN", "zh_Hant_HK", "en_US"],
// Optional fields.
// The target component object where the loader will put a filed "$lang" in.
method: "props", // It could be these three values: props, state, func
// The content to be translated. And the content must accord with this RegEx, default value is Chinese Simplified
regText: "[\u4e00-\u9fa5\u3002\uff1b\uff0c\uff1a\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\uff08\uff09\u3001\uff1f\uff01\ufe15\u300a\u300b]+",
Indicate the folder where store the language json file. If storePath value is null or empty, the language json file would store corresponding to target js/jsx file.
It should be an array which could contain the target language. You can also add Ja_JP, In_In ,bala and so on to this array.
Based on the regular text regText
, you can extract the matching text as the translation source.
So if you want to translate Chinese into other languages,you should set:
regText: "[\u4e00-\u9fa5\u3002\uff1b\uff0c\uff1a\u2018\u2019\u201c\u201d\uff08\uff09\u3001\uff1f\uff01\ufe15\u300a\u300b]+"
Property method
could be these three values: props, state, func. Its default value is props
value | description |
props | An property name $lang would add to the props of React component, so you need to change the props.$lang to change the web language. For more information, please refer the set_lang_via_props in examples folder |
state | An property name $lang would add to the state of React component, so you need to change the state.$lang to change the web language. For more information, please refer the set_lang_via_state in examples folder |
func | You need to add a method $getLang() {return XXX; // The language code like 'zh_Hans_CN' to your React component}. For more information, please refer the set_lang_via_func in examples folder |