- Static files (can be added only by developers ftps/ssh direct sending on server)
/assets/static/* { }
- Other files
/assets/<owner_type: str>/<owner_id: int>/<file_type: str>/<file_unique_id: str>.ext
{ owner_type: user, group, etc. file_type: avatar, attachment, logo, etc. file_unique_id: can become known only from backend }
{ max_size: 10MB, (.webp max size = 100KB) ext: any, but images only in .webp (and sometimes .gif for groups) }
- If everything's OK, and file exists and successfully getted:
<binary file>, 200
- If y0u tried to use any methods but GET:
<default error page>, 405
- If there's any problems:
<default error page>, 40x
"file_id": int # file id on cdn's db(will be finded out by post method)
- GET, if everything's OK:
{'file_endpoint': <file_url_on_cdn: str>}, 200
- DELETE, if everything's OK:
{'status': 'OK'}, 200
- If there's no file with such file_id:
{'errorMessage': 'No file with such file_id'}, 400
- If there's some inner SQL error:
{'errorMessage': 'SQL error'}, 500
- If there's by some reason no such file on server(but exists in db):
{'errorMessage': 'No such file'}, 500
"file_owner": str, # user, group, etc.
"file_owner_id": int,
"file_type": str # attachment, avatar, logo, etc.
A binary file that complies with the requirements of the GET clause
- If everything's OK, and file successfully loaded and saved:
{'file_id': <file_id_on_cdn_db: int>}, 200
- If someting goes wrong(for example, wrong querry params names):
<default error page>, 40x
# same as in the GET files or API POST paragraphs
"owner_type": str,
"owner_id": int
- GET, if everything's OK:
{'file_endpoint': <file_url_on_cdn: str>}, 200
- If there's no such owner(combination of type(user, group) and id):
{'errorMessage': 'No such owner'}, 400
- If there's some inner SQL error:
{'errorMessage': 'SQL error'}, 500
- If there's by some reason no such file on server(but exists in db):
{'errorMessage': 'No such file'}, 500