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1. Project description

A set of additional non-official demo projects for QmTech Cyclone IV Core Board (EP4CE15F23C8).

2. Demos

2.1 Echo+1 RS232 Demo

For testing RS232 QuickRS232 module was designed project SerialPortEcho. This project receive bytes from serial port (COM) that is configured in following mode - 115200 bit/s, 1 stop bit, even parity, no flow control. This project do following: receive byte, add + 1 and send it back.

RS232 Timing diagrams

You could use our application Zerial to work with RS232:

Application 4 RS232

2.1.1 Demo project on board pinout

  • CLK - global clock - already on the board -> DIFFCLK_1P (T2)
  • RX - RS232 RX line - connected to U8 20 pin -> IO_AB19
  • TX - RS232 TX line - connected to U8 22 pin -> IO_AB20
  • RTS - we don't USE it in this demo because simple TTL to RS232 converter, but anyway we connect it to U8 24 pin -> IO_Y21
  • CTS - we don't USE it in this demo because simple TTL to RS232 converter, but anyway we connect it to U8 26 pin -> IO_W21
  • RX_LED - connect it to D5 LED -> DIFFIO_L2P (E4)
  • TX_LED - don't have on board free LED, therefore just out it to pin 30 of U8 (IO_U21)

Additionally RS232-to-TTL converter must be attached to power supply line and ground, that also could be taken from U8:

  • 3V3 - Any pin from (3, 4)
  • GND - Any pin from (1, 2, 61, 62)

2.2 Cmd Decode+Encode RS232 Demo

is under development....

2.3 DRAM Explorer + RS232 Demo

is under development....