##What is a WoWRoster Addon? A WoW Roster Addon is code that supplements the core components of WoWRoster, giving additional functionality and/or other ways to view Available Roster Data or even to create new data
##Install AddOns
All Roster AddOns are placed or extracted to roster/addons/
If you have an AddOn named SomeAddon, then it's folder will be at roster/addons/SomeAddon/
with it's files inside that folder
Some AddOn authors "zip up" their AddOns with just their folder name
| |_conf.php
| |_install.def.php
| |_index.php
| |_enUS.php
With this type, set the extract location to roster/addons/
While some may put the entire Roster folder structure in the zip file
| |_conf.php
| |_install.def.php
| |_index.php
| |_enUS.php
With this type, set the extract location to roster/
Just remember that the folder structure needs to look something like this
| |_inc/
| | |_conf.php
| | |_install.def.php
| |_guild/
| | |_index.php
| |_locale/
| | |_enUS.php
| |_style.css
| |_index.php
| |_conf.php
| |_install.def.php
| |_index.php
| |_enUS.php
Next, go to the Roster Control Panel under AddOn Management to install your AddOn
##Un-Install AddOns First, go to the Roster Control Panel under AddOn Management to un-install your AddOn
Remove the folder in roster/addons/
You are done!
##Make an AddOn The Addon SDK will help you in the creation of an AddOn