Source code for the micromouse robot Aether.
Main module: STM32F466RE
ROS 2 Jazzy integration
Probably in future: micro-ROS publishing in the background for visualization.
This repository uses just to basically make aliases for common commands. You can check installation page or try installing with:
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash -s -- --to ~/bin
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
Install docker with instructions on their page.
To build all Docker images, run just docker-build
(or just bd
Base image is
TODO: download packages in Dockerfile so they don't need to download each time a container is started.
There are settings in this repository to make using it in VS Code easier.
/ just b
- builds code for the STM32.
Flashing the device is currently only supported through the VS Code using extension.