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A docker compose file, and associated configuration, to run GOV.UK Notify locally in development mode.

This README needs some love and may not be in an intuitive order. Please read the entire document top-to-bottom before trying to set up your environment. Please update this README if you think something is missing, in the wrong place, or poorly described =)

Initial setup

  1. Make sure you install pass ( Make sure you have docker installed Make sure you have your github ssh key installed. Generate a gpg key to use for your pass password store. Check out/create a credentials repository with pass. (pass git init etc) To run the sms stub, install go as well brew install go

  2. Clone this repository alongside your existing Notify repositories (if any).

    [email protected]:alphagov/notifications-local.git
    cd notifications-local
  3. We need to have quite a few repositories checked out to run a full copy of GOV.UK Notify. A helper script is provided to make sure these are checked out locally (and check them out if they're not), then do some initial setup.

    Run this script:


    Manually make sure that each of those repositories are on the main branch and on the latest commit.

2a) Make sure you run npm install in the root of notifications-admin, so it can install its dependencies before it builds the docker image.

  1. Each of the services needs to have some environment variables defined. We have template .env files in the root of the repository a helper script automates generating real .env into the ./private directory files from those templates, prompting for input as required. These should obviously never be committed and is excluded in .gitignore.

    You will need the full path of your checked-out credentials repository (cd to it and run pwd), your SQS queue prefix from notifications-api/, and your AWS access key/secret key from ~/.aws/credentials

    Run this script and follow the instructions:

  2. Update your /etc/hosts file to handle DNS resolution for our local hostnames:

    echo "       notify.localhost notify-api.localhost api.document-download.localhost frontend.document-download.localhost template-preview-api.localhost antivirus-api.localhost" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  3. This step is only required if you are switching to running GOV.UK Notify via docker compose from the old way, where things were all run natively. To keep your local DB data, we need to copy it across to the docker DB service.

    1. Make sure local postgres service is running (on standard port 5432)
    2. Run docker compose up -d db to start docker postgres.
    3. Connect to docker's postgres with psql postgresql://notify:notify@localhost:5433/postgres and run:
      1. drop database notification_api;
      2. create database notification_api;
    4. Run pg_dump -d notification_api | psql postgresql://notify:notify@localhost:5433/notification_api to copy local postgres to docker postgres
    5. If you login locally with yubikey, update your user's auth_type to email_auth temporarily: psql postgresql://notify:notify@localhost:5433/notification_api -c "update users set auth_type='email_auth' where email_address='EMAIL_ADDRESS'"
    6. Run docker compose down
  4. Run docker compose build to make sure all the containers have been built and are up-to-date.

Running/accessing services

The default way to bring up a local version of GOV.UK Notify, after following setup, is to run make up from the root of this repository. This will start notify-api, notify-api-celery, notify-admin, template-preview-api, template-preview-celery, document-download-api, and document-download-preview, which will cover 95%+ of the things you need.

To also run and enable antivirus scanning, run make antivirus up. To run and enable celery-beat for regularly-scheduled tasks, run make beat up. To run and enable the sms-provider-stub, run make sms-provider-stub up. These can be combined to make beat antivirus sms-provider-stub up to run everything.

If you are on mac, the airplay receiver also runs on port 7000 - so switch that off in case you get errors that this port is already in use.

Accessing your local Notify services

Your GOV.UK Notify services are available at the following URLs:

  • notify-api: http://notify-api.localhost:6011
  • notify-admin: http://notify.localhost:6012
  • template-preview-api: http://template-preview-api.localhost:6013
  • antivirus-api: http://antivirus-api.localhost:6016
  • document-download-frontend: http://frontend.document-download.localhost:7001
  • document-download-api: http://api.document-download.localhost:7000

Debugging containers

When running, the applications should all hot reload on code changes. This means you can add breakpoints into the code anywhere, and when that line is executed, the application will pause and start a debugger. To attach to the debugger you will need to open a separate terminal and run docker attach <container>, eg docker attach notify-api.

Importantly, to detach you should enter the control sequence Ctrl-P Ctrl-Q, not Ctrl-C which will kill the Flask app.

Useful docker aliases

When using docker compose to run GOV.UK Notify, you may fairly frequently need to interact with the docker containers, and so typing out standard docker commands in full every time can get a bit repetitive. These may be some useful aliases to set up:

alias dc='docker compose'
alias da='docker attach'
alias de='docker exec -it'

For example, if you've added a breakpoint into one of the apps and you've triggered it, instead of typing docker attach notify-admin you can type da notify-admin. Or if you want a shell inside of one of the app containers to run arbitrary commands - eg install local utils, re-build frontend assets, etc - you can run de notify-admin bash instead of docker exec -it notify-admin bash.


  • Investigate antivirus-api slow startups
  • Get frontend assets hot rebuilding for notify-admin and document-download-frontend. Until then, you can run docker exec -it notify-admin npm run build for an ad-hoc recompile, or docker exec -it notify-admin npm run watch to spin up a long-lived watcher process. Optionally add a -d flag to detach from the process and leave it running it the background.
  • Investigate amd/arm docker images for antivirus and template-preview
    • antivirus-celery The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested 0.0s
    • template-preview-api The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested 0.0s
    • antivirus-api The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested 0.0s
    • template-preview-celery The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested 0.0s

Follow the following steps to set up an account:

  1. Install pgadmin
  2. Connect to localhost:5433
  3. Go to the domain table and make a link with an organisation for the user you want to create an account for, to the domain part (after the @) of the emailadres. For example,, for 38e4bf69-93b0-445d-acee-53ea53fe02df.
  4. Go to the services table and add your email_from (the first part, before for example) so it will build the right sender address. (see step 3).
  5. Make sure you add these manually to the amazon console in the SES (since it is in sandbox mode, it can only send out to registered addresses).
  6. In the service_sms_senders table, make sure that the GOVUK sender (ending with service_id 553) has the sms_sender does not have a Notify or GOV.UK name - since those are blocked by firetext everywhere outside GDS.
  7. Adjust the domain to a domain you control in the config of notifications-api, for example: NOTIFY_EMAIL_DOMAIN = ""
  8. In this config file, you can also point at the SMS stub if you are running it: MMG_URL = os.environ.get("MMG_URL", "http://localhost:6300/mmg")


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  • Shell 78.9%
  • Makefile 21.1%