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WwZzz committed Mar 28, 2023
1 parent 68bf5c7 commit 5feb2ca
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Showing 3 changed files with 301 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion flgo/utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ def multi_init_and_run(runner_args:list, devices = [], scheduler=None):
if aid==1:
algorithm = a[aid]
algorithm_name = algorithm.__name__ if (not hasattr(algorithm, '__module__') and hasattr(algorithm, '__name__')) else algorithm
default_args[aid] = a[aid]
default_args[aid] = algorithm_name
elif aid==2:
option = a[aid]
default_option = read_option_from_command()
Expand Down
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions tutorial/1.5_Configuration -
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# 如何用Logger做实验?


## 1 使用Logger进行实验记录

FLGo中的日志记录器Logger用于观察训练过程中的实时结果,并记录到字典(logger.output)中,存在相应任务目录的record文件夹中。 Logger主要通过提供以下3个接口函数,来帮助用户达到实验目的。

* `initialize`:预留的初始化方法;

* `log_once`:每隔一定通信轮次,被调用一次,来记录\输出实时结果到变量`self.output`(类型为`collections.defaultdict(list)`)中;

* `organize_output`:在将`self.output`保存成.json文件之前,对特定内容进行组织,使得相应内容可以被直接用于绘制等目的;


from flgo.experiment.logger import BasicLogger
import numpy as np
import flgo.system_simulator.base as ss

class SimpleLogger(BasicLogger):
def initialize(self):
for c in self.participants:

def log_once(self, *args, **kwargs):
# 服务器(coordinator)使用test方法测试全局模型的测试集性能,并记录至output中
test_metric = self.coordinator.test()
for met_name, met_val in test_metric.items():
self.output['test_' + met_name].append(met_val)
# 服务器(coordinator)使用global_test方法测试全局模型的用户本地验证集性能分布,并记录至output中
valid_metrics = self.coordinator.global_test('valid')
local_data_vols = [c.datavol for c in self.participants]
total_data_vol = sum(local_data_vols)
for met_name, met_val in valid_metrics.items():
self.output['valid_' + met_name].append(1.0 * sum([client_vol * client_met for client_vol, client_met in zip(local_data_vols, met_val)]) / total_data_vol)
self.output['mean_valid_' + met_name].append(np.mean(met_val))
self.output['std_valid_' + met_name].append(np.std(met_val))
# 将当前output中信息输出至控制台


### 定制自己的Logger


from flgo.experiment.logger import BasicLogger
import collections
import numpy as np
import copy

class MyLogger(BasicLogger):
def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.optimal_model = copy.deepcopy(self.coordinator.model)
self.optimal_test_loss = 9999

def log_once(self):
# 测模型测试集指标
test_metric = self.coordinator.test()
for met_name, met_val in test_metric.items():
self.output['test_' + met_name].append(met_val)
# 检测当前模型是否为最优模型
if test_metric['loss']<self.optimal_test_loss:
self.optimal_test_loss = test_metric['loss']

def organize_output(self):
# 测所有用户验证集指标
all_metrics = collections.defaultdict(list)
for c in self.participants:
client_metrics = c.test(self.optimal_model, 'valid')
for met_name, met_val in client_metrics.items():
for met_name, metval in all_metrics.items():
self.output[met_name] = metval
# 计算最佳\最差30%用户验证集指标
met_name = 'loss'
all_valid_losses = sorted(all_metrics[met_name])
k1 = int(0.3*len(self.participants))
k2 = int(0.7*len(self.participants))
self.output['worst_30_valid_loss'] = 1.0*sum(all_valid_losses[k2:])/k1
self.output['best_30_valid_loss'] = 1.0*sum(all_valid_losses[:k1])/k1


import flgo
import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg
import flgo.algorithm.qfedavg as qfedavg
import os

task = './test_synthetic'
config = {'benchmark':{'name':'flgo.benchmark.synthetic_regression', 'para':{'alpha':0.5, 'beta':0.5, 'num_clients':30}}}
if not os.path.exists(task): flgo.gen_task(config, task_path = task)

op = {'num_rounds':30, 'num_epochs':1, 'batch_size':8, 'learning_rate':0.1, 'proportion':1.0 ,'gpu':0, 'algo_para':0.1}
fedavg_runner = flgo.init(task, fedavg, option = op, Logger=MyLogger)
qffl_runner = flgo.init(task, qfedavg, option=op, Logger=MyLogger)

import flgo.experiment.analyzer as al
records = al.Selector({'task':task, 'header':['fedavg', 'qfedavg_q0.1',], 'filter':{'R':30, 'E':1, 'B':8, 'LR':0.1,'P':1.0}}).records[task]
for rec in records:
wl =['worst_30_valid_loss']
bl =['best_30_valid_loss']
print('{}:(Worst is {}, Best is {})'.format(['option']['algorithm'], wl, bl))

fedavg:(Worst is 1.539149112171597, Best is 0.1532415940115849)
qfedavg:(Worst is 1.5319806469811335, Best is 0.4070415910747316)

170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions tutorial/1.6 Configuration - Runner-level Parallel &
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
# 如何使用FLGo并行运行联邦算法?

在前几节中,不同的运行器(i.e. runner)都是串行运行的,即只能一个runner结束之后,才能开启下一个的训练。且如果并行运行不同runner的话,不止要面临同时写好几个文件的问题,还需要手动观察GPU的状况,防止显存溢出导致程序终止,造成时间精力的浪费。


def multi_init_and_run(runner_args:list, devices = [], scheduler=None):
Create multiple runners and run in parallel
runner_args (list): each element in runner_args should be either a dict or a tuple or parameters
devices (list): a list of gpu id
scheduler (class flgo.experiment.device_scheduler.BasicScheduler): GPU scheduler
a list of output results of runners
>>> from flgo.algorithm import fedavg, fedprox, scaffold
>>> # create task 'mnist_iid' by flgo.gen_task if there exists no such task
>>> task='./mnist_iid'
>>> if os.path.exists(task): flgo.gen_task({'benchmark':{'name':'flgo.benchmark.mnist_classification'}, 'partitioner':{'name':'IIDPartitioner','para':{'num_clients':100}}}, task)
>>> algos = [fedavg, fedprox, scaffold]
>>> flgo.multi_init_and_run([{'task':task, 'algorithm':algo} for algo in algos], devices=[0])


* **runner_args**:列表类型,运行器配置(字典)的列表
* **devices(可选)**:列表类型,用于调度的gpu编号列表,例如\[0,1\]将指定0号卡和1号卡
* **scheduler(可选)**:类型为flgo.experiment.device_scheduler.BasicScheduler。用于指定GPU的调度器来自动调度任务。




## Example 1. 并行运行不同参数

import flgo
import flgo.algorithm.fedavg as fedavg
import flgo.experiment.device_scheduler as ds

# 创建联邦任务
task = './test_cifar10'
# 为每个runner参数指定:任务、算法、参数,该字典的内容应与flgo.init的参数一致,未填写的项将使用默认值。
runner_dict = [{'task':task, 'algorithm':fedavg, 'option':{'lr':0.01*i, 'no_log_console':True, 'num_rounds':5}} for i in range(1,6)]
# 指定调度器为flgo.experiment.device_scheduler.AutoScheduler,并指定可用的卡为0号卡
asc = ds.AutoScheduler([0])
# 并行运行命令,可以看到子进程报错退出后,并不会导致主进程也退出,相应的runner将会在合适的时刻被再次运行,直至所有runner成功运行结束。
flgo.multi_init_and_run(runner_dict, scheduler=asc)

## Example 2. 并行运行不同算法

# 创建联邦任务
from flgo.algorithm import fedavg, fedprox
task = './test_cifar10'
algos = [fedavg, fedprox]
runner_dict = [{'task':task, 'algorithm':a, 'option':{'lr':0.01, 'no_log_console':True, 'num_steps':1,'num_rounds':2}} for a in algos]
# 指定调度器为flgo.experiment.device_scheduler.AutoScheduler,并指定可用的卡为0号卡
asc = ds.AutoScheduler([0])
res = flgo.multi_init_and_run(runner_dict, scheduler=asc)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for r in res:
plt.plot(list(range(len(r['test_loss']))), r['test_loss'], label = r['option']['algorithm'])

# 如何使用FLGo自动网格搜索调参?


# option定义示例如下,其中每个关键字被指定为列表,而不是数值(单个数值将被视为长度为1的列表)。调参的范围为所有列表的值排列组合构成的网格
option = {
'learning_rate':[0.1, 0.01, 0.05],
# tune函数声明:“
def tune(task: str, algorithm, option: dict = {}, model=None, Logger: flgo.experiment.logger.BasicLogger = flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger, Simulator: BasicSimulator=flgo.system_simulator.DefaultSimulator, scene='horizontal', scheduler=None):
Tune hyper-parameters for one task and one algorithm in parallel.
task (str): the dictionary of the federated task
algorithm (module || class): the algorithm will be used to optimize the model in federated manner, which must contain pre-defined attributions (e.g. algorithm.Server and algorithm.Client for horizontal federated learning)
option (dict): the dict whose values should be of type list to construct the combinations
model (module || class): the model module that contains two methods: model.init_local_module(object) and model.init_global_module(object)
Logger (class): the class of the logger inherited from flgo.experiment.logger.BasicLogger
Simulator (class): the class of the simulator inherited from flgo.system_simulator.BasicSimulator
scene (str): 'horizontal' or 'vertical' in current version of FLGo
scheduler (instance of flgo.experiment.device_scheduler.BasicScheduler): GPU scheduler that schedules GPU by checking their availability


## Example 3. 自动调参

option = {
'learning_rate':[0.1, 0.01, 0.05],
'num_rounds': 5,
'no_log_console': True
flgo.tune(task, fedavg, option, scheduler = asc)
# 在该简单网格上,最后调参输出结果如下

Process 14314 was created for args ('./test_cifar10', 'flgo.algorithm.fedavg', {'learning_rate': 0.1, 'batch_size': 16, 'num_steps': 1, 'num_rounds': 5, 'no_log_console': True, 'log_file': True, 'gpu': 0}, None, <class 'flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger'>, <class 'flgo.system_simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>, 'horizontal')
Process 14523 was created for args ('./test_cifar10', 'flgo.algorithm.fedavg', {'learning_rate': 0.1, 'batch_size': 16, 'num_steps': 5, 'num_rounds': 5, 'no_log_console': True, 'log_file': True, 'gpu': 0}, None, <class 'flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger'>, <class 'flgo.system_simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>, 'horizontal')
Process 14621 was created for args ('./test_cifar10', 'flgo.algorithm.fedavg', {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'batch_size': 16, 'num_steps': 1, 'num_rounds': 5, 'no_log_console': True, 'log_file': True, 'gpu': 0}, None, <class 'flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger'>, <class 'flgo.system_simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>, 'horizontal')
Process 14746 was created for args ('./test_cifar10', 'flgo.algorithm.fedavg', {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'batch_size': 16, 'num_steps': 5, 'num_rounds': 5, 'no_log_console': True, 'log_file': True, 'gpu': 0}, None, <class 'flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger'>, <class 'flgo.system_simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>, 'horizontal')
Process 14826 was created for args ('./test_cifar10', 'flgo.algorithm.fedavg', {'learning_rate': 0.05, 'batch_size': 16, 'num_steps': 1, 'num_rounds': 5, 'no_log_console': True, 'log_file': True, 'gpu': 0}, None, <class 'flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger'>, <class 'flgo.system_simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>, 'horizontal')
Process 14938 was created for args ('./test_cifar10', 'flgo.algorithm.fedavg', {'learning_rate': 0.05, 'batch_size': 16, 'num_steps': 5, 'num_rounds': 5, 'no_log_console': True, 'log_file': True, 'gpu': 0}, None, <class 'flgo.experiment.logger.tune_logger.TuneLogger'>, <class 'flgo.system_simulator.default_simulator.Simulator'>, 'horizontal')
The optimal combination of hyper-parameters is:
learning_rate |0.05
batch_size |16
num_steps |5
num_rounds |5
no_log_console |True
log_file |True
The minimal validation loss occurs at the round 5


## 如何使用早停机制?


option = {
'learning_rate':[0.1, 0.01],
'num_rounds': 1000,
'no_log_console': True
'early_stop': 10
flgo.tune(task, fedavg, option, scheduler = asc)


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