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The JS library containing the Monero crypto plus lightwallet functions behind the official MyMonero apps


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MyMonero Core JS


  1. Legal
  2. What's in This Repo?
  3. Usage


  1. QA
  2. Pull Requests
  3. Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch
  4. Contributors



See LICENSE.txt for license.

All source code Copyright (c) 2018-2019 X-CASH Project, Derived from 2014-2018 by MyMonero. All rights reserved.

What's in This Repo?

This repository holds the Javascript source code for the Monero/CryptoNote cryptography and protocols, plus lightwallet functions which power the official MyMonero apps.

There is also a chain of build scripts which is capable of building a JS module by transpiling a subset of Monero source code via emscripten, which relies upon static boost libs, for which there is also a script for building from source.

It's possible to run your own lightweight (hosted) wallet server by using either OpenMonero or the lightweight wallet server which MyMonero has developed specially to be open-sourced for the Monero community (PR is in the process of being merged). However, MyMonero also offers highly optimized, high throughput, secure hosting for a nominal, scaling fee per active wallet per month to wallet app makers who would like to use this library, mymonero-core-js, to add hosted Monero wallets to their app.

The benefit of offering a hosted wallet rather than requiring users to use a remote node is that scanning doesn't have to take place on the mobile device, so the user doesn't have to download the blockchain and scan on their device, or wait when they switch to a new device or come back to the app after a period of time. For more information, please reach out to Paul at [email protected]. We work hard to support the growth of the Monero ecosystem, and will be happy to work with integrators on flexible pricing.


monero_utils contains Monero- and MyMonero-specific implementations, wrappers, and declarations, and the MyMonero JS and wasm (and asm.js fallback/polyfill) implementations for the underlying cryptography behind Monero.

monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp* are produced by transpiling Monero core C++ code to JS via Emscripten (See Building MyMoneroCoreCpp). A Module instance is managed by monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreBridge.js.

Library integrators may use MyMoneroCoreBridge by require("./monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreBridge")({}).then(function(coreBridge_instance) { }). (This was formerly accessed via the now-deprecated monero_utils/monero_utils). You may also access this MyMoneroCoreBridge promise via the existing index.js property monero_utils_promise (the name has been kept the same for API stability).

Many related utility functions and data structures are located throughout monero_utils/, cryptonote_utils, and hostAPI. Usage below.

Various convenience scripts are provided in ./bin.

This readme is located at, and the license is located at LICENSE.txt.


If you would like to package this library to run in a standalone manner within, e.g. a webpage, similarly to how the old used this library, a script is provided to bundle everything for you. It's located at bin/package_browser_js. If you package the library in this manner, the resulting mymonero-core.js file can be included via a script tag. The index.js of the library will then be available as the global variable mymonero_core_js.

Alternatively you can bundle the contents in any other manner you prefer, including directly accessing them via your favorite module system.


Use the functions in the modules in hostAPI for convenience implementations of (a) networking to a MyMonero-API-compatible server, (b) constructing common request bodies, and (c) parsing responses.

For a working example usage of hostAPI, see mymonero-app-js/HostedMoneroAPIClient. However, there's no need to conform to this example's implementation, especially for sending transactions, as the response parsing and request construction for transactions is now handled within the implementation.


const endpointPath = "get_address_info"
const parameters = net_service_utils.New_ParametersForWalletRequest(address, view_key__private)
monero_utils_promise.then(function(monero_utils) {
		address, view_key__private, spend_key__public, spend_key__private,
		function(err, returnValuesByKey) {

where data is the JSON response. Note you must pass in a resolved monero_utils instance (see below for usage) so that such functions can remain synchronous without having to wait for the promise.

__keyImageManaged means that key images will be generated and then cached for a large performance boost for you. The caveat of this convenience is that you should make sure to call DeleteManagedKeyImagesForWalletWith on monero_utils/monero_keyImage_cache_utils (below) when you're done with them, such as on the teardown of a related wallet instance.


It's not generally at all necessary to interact with this module unless you want to, e.g., construct a GUI that needs a list of support mnemonics.

In other words, if your app only needs to generate a mnemonic, you can avoid using this code module entirely by simply passing a language code (of "en", "en-US", "ja", "zh" etc) to the below monero_utils function which generates wallets.


You'll need this module to construct the nettype argument for passing to various other functions.


const nettype = require('cryptonote_utils/nettype').network_type.MAINNET


Used extensively for managing Monero amounts in atomic units to ensure precision.


const JSBigInt = require('../mymonero_core_js/cryptonote_utils/biginteger').BigInteger
const amount = new JSBigInt('12300000')
const amount_str = monero_amount_format_utils.formatMoney(amount)


It's not necessary to use this module directly. See monero_utils/monero_amount_format_utils.


const monero_amount_format_utils = require("monero_utils/monero_amount_format_utils");
const formatted_string = monero_amount_format_utils.formatMoney(a JSBigInt)

Functions: formatMoneyFull, formatMoneyFullSymbol, formatMoney, formatMoneySymbol, parseMoney(str) -> JSBigInt


Use these functions to derive additional state from transaction rows which were returned by a server and then parsed by hostAPI.

  • IsTransactionConfirmed(tx, blockchain_height)
  • IsTransactionUnlocked(tx, blockchain_height)
  • TransactionLockedReason(tx, blockchain_height)


Use these functions to directly interact with the key image cache.

  • Lazy_KeyImage(…) Generate a key image directly and cache it. Returns cached values.
  • DeleteManagedKeyImagesForWalletWith(address) Call this to avoid leaking keys if you use any of the response parsing methods (above) which are suffixed with __keyImageManaged.


Contains functions to validating payment ID formats. To generate payment IDs, see monero_utils.


Used to contain a convenience implementation of SendFunds(…) for constructing arguments to create_transaction-type functions. However that's been moved to C++ and exposed via a single function on MyMoneroCoreBridge called async__send_funds.

One of the callbacks to this function, status_update_fn, supplies status updates via codes that can be translated into messages. Codes are located on SendFunds_ProcessStep_Code and messages are located at SendFunds_ProcessStep_MessageSuffix within this file, monero_sendingFunds_utils. This lookup will probably make it into MyMoneroCoreBridge for concision.



const mymonero = require("mymonero_core_js/index");
// or just "mymonero_core_js/monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreBridge"
async function foo()
	const monero_utils = await mymonero.monero_utils_promise;
	const nettype = mymonero.nettype_utils.network_type.MAINNET;
	const decoded = monero_utils.address_and_keys_from_seed("…", nettype);
	// read decoded.address_string
var decoded = monero_utils.decode_address("…", nettype);

Available functions

Each of these functions is implemented* in monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreBridge.js.

The arguments and return values for these functions are explicitly called out by MyMoneroCoreBridge.js, so that will be the most complete documentation for the moment. Return values are all embedded within a JS dictionary unless they're singular values. Errors are thrown as exceptions.

* The functions' actual implementations are in WebAssembly which is produced via emscripten from exactly matching C++ functions in mymonero-core-cpp. This allows core implementation to be shared across all platforms.

  • This function was known as create_address in the previous mymonero-core-js API.
  • This method takes simple, familiar parameters in the form of a keyed dictionary, and has a handful of callbacks which supply pre-formed request parameters for sending directly to a MyMonero or lightweight wallet-compatible API server. Responses may be sent directly back to the callbacks' callbacks, as they are now parsed and handled entirely within the implementation. This function's interface used to reside in monero_sendingFunds_utils. See tests/sendingFunds.spec.js for example usage.

Building MyMoneroCoreCpp from Scratch

There's no need to build monero_utils/MyMoneroCoreCpp as a build is provided, but if you were for example interested in adding a C++ function, you could use the information in this section to transpile it to JS.


  • Install the dependencies
    apt install git build-essential

  • Clone the repository
    git clone

  • Clone the Emscripten SDK repository
    git clone

  • CD into the folder
    cd emsdk

  • Reset the repository to this specific commit
    git reset --hard 76a5ae0b82fa5e9cad54cdb90130a5550258ade9

  • Install the Emscripten SDK using the instructions

  • CD into the folder
    cd ~/mymonero-core-js

  • Update the submodules

  • Download boost into the specific folder
    mkdir contrib && cd contrib && wget LINK_TO_BOOST_SOURCE_CODE (either the gz or bz2)

  • Extract boost
    If you downloaded the .gz use tar xvfz FILE_NAME
    If you downloaded the .bz2 use tar xvfj FILE_NAME

  • Rename the boost folder to boost-sdk
    mv BOST_FOLDER_NAME boost-sdk

  • Build boost
    cd ../ && bin/

  • Create this test file
    echo -e '#include <stdio.h>\n\nint main() {\nprintf("Hello world");\n}' > file.cpp

  • Compile it
    clang++ -c file.cpp -v

  • Figure out all of the include directories that clang uses

  • Check what include directories gcc uses
    cpp -v

  • Select a directory that clang uses, for example we will use

  • Copy All files from the gcc include directories that contain stddef.h and limits.h into this selected directory
    cp -a /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include/* /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ && cp -a /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/7/include-fixed* /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  • Run the build script

It will generate the build files and give an error about how you need to compile with C++11

  • Edit the build files
    nano build/CMakeCache.txt

  • Add -std=c++11 to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=

  • Edit CMakeLists.txt
    nano CMakeLists.txt

  • Edit the boost_DIR variable to set(boost_DIR PATH_TO_REPOSITORY/bin/build/boost)

  • Run the build script

NOTE If you want to build for asmjs instead of wasm, edit CMakeLists.txt to turn the MM_EM_ASMJS option to ON before you run either the build or archive script. Finally, at every place you instantiate a MyMoneroCoreBridge instance, ensure that the asmjs flag passed as an init argument is set to true (If not, loading will not work).


The JS library containing the Monero crypto plus lightwallet functions behind the official MyMonero apps



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No packages published


  • JavaScript 83.3%
  • C++ 11.7%
  • CMake 2.1%
  • HTML 1.6%
  • Shell 1.3%