The site is built with VuePress and reuses its default theme to ease upgrading to newer versions.
The more important files are:
- src/**/*.md
Documentation and site contents, i.e. what one would typically modify when extending the documentation. - src/.vuepress/sidebar.js
Sidebar contents. - src/.vuepress/nav.js
Top-navigation contents. - src/.vuepress/redirects
Redirect map of (re)moved pages to new locations. - src/.vuepress/public/
Assets folder for images etc.
To work on the site locally, install the dependencies and start a development server serving at localhost:8080:
npm install
npm start
To build the site to dist
, i.e. to verify that it works as expected:
npm run build
Serve distribution files with:
npm run serve
npx merge-markdown -m src
Initially forked from AssemblyScript