Dark Cosmos
Dark Cosmos colors reflect the hues of the pleasing Astro space.
Name | Color | Hex | RGB |
astro0 | #1B1C1E |
27, 28, 30 |
astro1 | #17181A |
23, 24, 26 |
astro2 | #222326 |
34, 35, 38 |
astro3 | #3A3C42 |
58, 60, 66 |
Light Stars
Light colors of Astro. Represent the cosmos' stars.
Name | Color | Hex | RGB |
astro4 | #ECEFF4 |
236, 239, 244 |
astro5 | #D8DEE9 |
216, 222, 233 |
astro6 | #E5E9F0 |
229, 233, 240 |
The fascinating main accent color of the pallete and it's various shades. Dark, bluish midnight cosmos.
Name | Color | Hex | RGB |
astro7 | #28293D |
40, 41, 61 |
astro8 | #242436 |
36, 36, 54 |
astro9 | #202030 |
32, 32, 48 |
astro10 | #1C1C2A |
28, 28, 42 |
Space Adventure
Space Adventure colors are taken from the vivid, eye-catching planets of the rich, vibrant Astro universe.
Name | Color | Hex | RGB |
astro11 | #E12A38 |
225, 42, 56 |
astro12 | #CB1A4A |
203, 26, 74 |
astro13 | #E39417 |
227, 148, 23 |
astro14 | #EDC707 |
237, 199, 7 |
astro15 | #318C69 |
49, 140, 105 |
astro16 | #008060 |
0, 128, 96 |
astro17 | #247DE3 |
36, 125, 227 |
astro18 | #2464E0 |
36, 100, 224 |
astro19 | #24A0E3 |
36, 160, 227 |
astro20 | #1b7fb5 |
27, 127, 181 |
astro21 | #7724e3 |
119, 36, 227 |
astro22 | #6A17D1 |
107, 23, 209 |
Created by XXCoreRangerX ([email protected])
This project is licensed under the MIT license.