Problem Number | Problem Statement |
1. | Product of array except itself |
2. | First non repeating character |
3. | Maximum Sum Sub-array (Kadanne's algo) |
4. | Valid Anagram |
5. | Valid Paranthesis ( ( ), { }, [ ] ) |
6. | Sum of Two |
7. | Sorted square array |
8. | First Duplicate |
9. | Valid Sudoku |
10. | Longest Palindromic substring |
11. | Count of subarray sum equals to k |
12. | Find all the duplicates in the given array |
13. | Task Scheduler (Leet Code 621 refer for more info) |
14. | Longest Continuous Subsequence (Sliding window approach) |
15. | ! Longest word in dictionary |
16. | ! Minimum size subarray sum |
17. | Valid Perfect Square |
18. | Convert Roman to Integer Number |
19. | Power Of 2 |
20. | To Lower Case |
21. | Number Series Problem |
22. | ! Knapsack Problem |
23. | Maximum number of repeated character |
Problem 1 : Product of array except itself
Algorithm-1 using division O(2n)
Alogrithm-2 using extraspace O(3n)
Algorithm-3 without extraspace O(2n)
Problem 2 : First non repeating character
Algorithm-1 using Brute Force O(n2)
Algorithm-2 using hashmap O(2n)
Problem 3 : Maximum Sum Sub-array (Kadanne's algo)
Algorithm-1 using Brute Force O(n2)
Algorithm-2 Kadanne's Algorithm O(n)
Problem 4 : Valid Anagram
Algorithm-1 O(n)
Problem 5 : Valid Paranthesis ( ( ), { }, [ ] )
Table for information regarding stack
Method | Description |
empty() | Returns whether the stack is empty – Time Complexity : O(1) |
size() | Returns the size of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1) |
top() | Returns a reference to the top most element of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1) |
push(g) | Adds the element ‘g’ at the top of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1) |
pop() | Deletes the top most element of the stack – Time Complexity : O(1) |
Algorithm-1 using stack/list
Problem 6 : Sum of Two
returns true if sum of one from array a and one from array b is equals to the given value v else returns false
Algorithm-1 using brute force O(n2)
Algorithm-2 using datastructure (set) O(2n)
Problem 7 : Sorted square array
To return sorted square array of the given input. Input may contain negative numbers and is sorted initially.
Algorithm-1 using sort method O(nlogn)
Algorithm-2 using two pointers O(n)
Problem 8 : First Duplicate
To return the value of the first duplicate in the given array.
Algorithm-1 using brute force O(n2)
Algorithm-2 using set O(n)
Algorithm-3 without set O(n)
Problem 9 : Valid Sudoku
_To return true if the given sudoku is valid else false. Given Input is 2d arrays of 9x9 squares with blank represented as "." _
Example : [ ['7','5','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['1','2','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['3','.','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['6','4','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['2','.','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['.','8','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['.','1','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['4','5','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ['.','5','.','.','.','.','4','.','9'], ]
Algorithm-1 using set O(1) as given input 9x9.
Problem 10 : Longest Palindromic substring
To return Longest palindrome substring from given string. eg- baabad -> aba
Algorithm-1 O(n2)
Problem 11 : Count of subarray sum equals to k
To return the number of times the sum is equal to k in the given array
Algorithm-1 using dictionary(hashmap)
Problem 12 : Find all the duplicates in the given array
We make negative the arr[abs(arr[value])-1] so that if the duplicate occurs in array then we can traverse the duplicate one as it have different sign.
Algorithm-1 without using extraspace and have time complexityO(n)
Problem 13 : Task Scheduler (Leet Code 621 refer for more info)
Example : ['A','A','A','B','B','B']
'A' and 'B' are given two task and n(cooling period) = 2.
Output - 8 (A->B -> idle -> A->B -> idle -> A->B)
Algorithm-1 O(2n)
Problem 14 : Longest Continuous Subsequence (Sliding window approach)
Example : Input : [1,3,5,4,7] will return 3 output. 4 length is not valid answer as it is seperated by 4 in the given input.
Algorithm-1 O(n) using sliding window approach
Problem 15 : Longest word in dictionary
This problem needs revision
Algorithm 1 using set O(n)
Problem 16 : Minimum size subarray sum
This Problem needs revision
Algorithm 1 O(nlogn)
Problem 17 : Valid Perfect Square
To return true for valid pefect square input and false for not a valid pefect square number. Also don't use sqrt() method.
Algorithm 1 O(logn) using binary search and n is the input
Algorithm 2 O(logn) using Newton's method
Problem 18 : Convert Roman Number to Integer
Algorithm-1 O(n)
Problem 19 : Power of 2
if given numer is power of 2 return True else False.
Example : 1 -> True; 3 -> False
Algorithm 1 O(logn) using while loop
Algorithm 2 O(1) using bit manipulation
Problem 20 : To Lower Case without using lower case method
Algorithm 1 O(n)
Problem 21 : Number Series Problem
Algorithm 1 O(n)
Problem 22 : Knapsack Problem
Algorithm 1 Brute force : O(2^n)
Algorithm 2 Dynamic Pro : O(n*C)
Needs Revision
Problem 23 : To Find Max number of character in a given string.
Given an string , return -1 if max number of character is same else return the max occuring character.
Algorithm 1 : O(3n)