Test case generator
- to generate executable C program.
- to test Riscv V extension intrinsic function
- execute with gcc and action will be same with LLVM as expected.
vs2 : in_data1
vs1 : in_data2
vd : out_data
Although this generator contain mask related instruction, don't have method to load vbool type.
Means that test cases that have masked data couldn't be used.
in1 -> in_data1
in2 -> in_data2
out -> out_data
data1_v <- in1
data2_v <- in2
out_v <- out
avl = 64
for SEW = 32, LMUL = 1:
vl = vsetvl_e32m1(avl)
pass the pointer to vector operator
pointer move to the next element
out -> out_data
out_data == golden
vs2 means vs2
vs1 means vs1
vd means vd_default
sew means sew
xrm means vxrm
m means mask
The generator have not been finished, but the brain storge of author have been used up. Let me note the file usage.
python3 collector.py {intrinsic function file serial number}
For example, if you want to parse the 05_vector_integer_arithmetic_functions.md ,just python3 collector.py 05
the script parse all the intrinsic functions in the file and sort out them by factors that need to iterate, then save them in intrinsic_function_type_1.py.
Now here are only 05~07 files can be parsed and sorted.
This file deal with the fix-point instruction that need CSR and rounding. Now need to write C program to read and write.
The main program to generate testcases.
python3 exe_op_generator.py {what instruction}
like vadd
. Iterate all the situation could be used. I really hope that I could optimize this program to generate randomly eventually.
Collect all the spike head file that start with "v". Generally it is one-time.
Product of spike_header_file_transformer.py. Maintained manually to take the place of operator_py_function.py.
Functions called by exe_op_generator.py to calculate golden data.
standard element width
length multipler, regard as how many element would be used.
f2 = 1/2
f4 = 1/4
f8 = 1/8