Over Christmas 2024, I've been playing Mancala with my family. This is a project I've put together to feed me moves to beat them with. It's a pretty simple game, so the custom gymnasium environment under ./mancala_env/
was quick to write and taking stock DQN without any tuning from stable_baselines3 has been working out so far. What I call the greedy agent achieves a 99+% win rate against random moves, and training against the greedy agent so far I've gotten a similarly high win rate in evaluation.
Use at risk (setup script untested). Also assumes you can use CUDA.
export TARGET_VENV=venv && ./build/env/local_build.sh && python3 -m pkg.mancala_agent_pkg.model.train
The agent will be evaluated periodically during training, with the best on-policy evaluation (by mean reward) being saved into ./saved_models/
. View a plot of training statistics under ./last_run/plots.png
python3 -m pkg.mancala_agent_pkg.model.save
This is already done at the end of training, but can be forced to iterate on the plots themselves.
From any venv (doesn't matter):
export TARGET_VENV="inference_venv" && ./build/env/local_build.sh && python -m pkg.mancala_agent_pkg.inference_api.server
./build/api/build.sh && PORT=8000 && docker run -d -p 8000:${PORT} -e PORT=${PORT} mancala
Then to debug there are some options:
docker ps # to get process number
docker logs -f <process number>
docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash mancala
# Can obviously then send requests to localhost:8000
From development venv:
pytest && python3 ./mancala_env/envs/mancala.py
Unit tests are (very much) incomplete atm.
export TARGET_VENV=inference_venv && ./build/env/local_build.sh