Trinity Release
This github tag is tied to the release of the following SDCard images:
PYNQ-Z1 v2.3 SDCard image
PYNQ-Z2 v2.3 SDCard image
ZCU104 v2.3 SDCard image
Within those image files, PYNQ v2.3 is already installed. Updates to PYNQ since the last release include:
- Architecture Additions
- Zynq UltraScale+ (ZU+) support added
- Board Additions
- ZCU104 support added
- Programmable Logic Updates
- All bitstreams built using Vivado 2018.2
- Initial support for DSA generation and PL parsing added
- Removed custom toplevel wrapper file requirement
- SDBuild Updates
- Root filesystem based on Ubuntu 18.04
- Boot partition built on Petalinux 2018.2
- SDSoC 2018.2 support added
- Added fpga_manager support for Zynq and ZU+
- AWS Greengrass kernel configuration options added
- Custom board support updated
- New PYNQ Python Modules
- Added ZU+ DisplayPort
- Added PMBus power monitoring
- Added uio support
- Added AXI IIC support
- New Microblaze Programming Notebooks
- Added arduino ardumoto, arduino joystick, grove usranger notebooks