We developed a skeleton based behavour recognition algorithm and a new Cyclist Behaviour Recognition dataset for autonomous vehicles to identify:
- cyclists hand signals/gestures for their intention of next move
- cyclists' attention/notice, i.e. whether the cyclist notice vehicles beside or behind them
The algorithm is based on Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolution Network (ST-GCN).
The pipeline of the algorithm is shown as follow.
- The input video is processed by a pose estimation to obtain a sequence of human skeleton (consist of a group of human joints)
- We extract the spatio and temporal information via ST-GCN and finally make classification over the features
3 classes of cyclist behaviours:
- Looking over shoulder: notice (the vehicle) behind, at the left and at the right
- Turning-left gesture
- Turning-right gesture
- PyTorch
- NumPy
- Others:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the skeleton datasets which are generated by Openpose:
- Cyclist skeleton dataset: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1htbqWI0srX5A38xQu_xh5A
- Kinetics skeleton dataset: https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/yysijie-data/public/kinetics-skeleton/kinetics-skeleton.zip or download the original video dataset and then generate the skeletons by Openpose
- Openpose: https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose
- Cyclist video dataset: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MylaSe7qgcPFEP775UIkxw
- Kinetics video dataset: https://deepmind.com/research/open-source/open-source-datasets/kinetics/
The following files are the main ones to quickly start with:
'work_dir' - includes the trained model
'convert-openpose' - includes the Python scripts which can generate the skeleton dataset using the output of Openpose
'config' - includes the configuration files of the test or training.
$ python main.py --config config/st_gcn/<dataset>/test.yaml
To evaluate ST-GCN model pretrained on cyclist, run
$ pyhon main.py --config config/st_gcn/cyclist/test.yaml
To evaluate ST-GCN model pretrained on Kinetcis-skeleton, run
$ python main.py --config config/st_gcn/kinetics-skeleton/test.yaml
Similary, the configuration file for testing baseline models can be found under the
. -
To speed up evaluation by multi-gpu inference or modify batch size for reducing the memory cost, set
like:$ python main.py --config <config file> --test-batch-size <batch size> --device <gpu0> <gpu1> ...
To train a new ST-GCN model, run
python main.py --config config/st_gcn/<dataset>/train.yaml [--work-dir <work folder>]
@inproceedings{stgcn2018aaai, title = {Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition}, author = {Sijie Yan and Yuanjun Xiong and Dahua Lin}, booktitle = {AAAI}, year = {2018}, }