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0️⃣ Version 🎁

1、Latest version

  • Software : v1.1-250109
  • Hardware : v1.0-240729

2、Where to buy.

LilyGo Store

1️⃣ Product 🎁

Video about T-Embed-CC1101 : youtube

Product T-Embed-CC1101
Flash / PSRAM 16M / 8M
Sub-G CC1101
NFC PN532 (0x24)
Display IC ST7789 (320x170)
Battery Capacity 3.7V-1300mAh
Battery Chip BQ25896 (0x6B), BQ27220 (0x55)
LED Driver WS2812

2️⃣ Module 🎁

Datasheets on the chip are available in ./hardware directory.

Name Dependency library
CC1101 jgromes/[email protected]
BQ25896 lewisxhe/XPowersLib@^0.2.3
ST7789 bodmer/TFT_eSPI@^2.5.43
Encode mathertel/RotaryEncoder@^1.5.3
WS2812 fastled/FastLED@^3.9.12
Infrared crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266@^2.8.6
Audio esphome/[email protected]
LVGL lvgl/lvgl@^8.3.11

1、Wireless transceiver:

T-Embed-CC1101 has a built-in Sub-GHz module based on a CC1101 transceiver and a radio antenna (the maximum range is 50 meters). Both the CC1101 chip and the antenna are designed to operate at frequencies in the 300-348 MHz, 387-464 MHz, and 779-928 MHz bands.

The Sub-GHz application supports external radio modules based on the CC1101 transceiver.


The PN532 is a highly integrated transceiver module for contactless communication at 13.56 MHz based on the 80C51 microcontroller core. It supports 6 different operating modes:

  • ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE Reader/Writer
  • FeliCa Reader/Writer
  • ISO/IEC 14443B Reader/Writer
  • ISO/IEC 14443A/MIFARE Card MIFARE Classic 1K or MIFARE Classic 4K card emulation mode
  • FeliCa Card emulation
  • ISO/IEC 18092, ECMA 340 Peer-to-Peer

3️⃣ Quick Start 🎁

🟢 PlatformIO is recommended because these examples were developed on it. 🟢


  1. Install Visual Studio Code and Python, and clone or download the project;
  2. Search for the PlatformIO plugin in the VisualStudioCode extension and install it;
  3. After the installation is complete, you need to restart VisualStudioCode
  4. After opening this project, PlatformIO will automatically download the required tripartite libraries and dependencies, the first time this process is relatively long, please wait patiently;
  5. After all the dependencies are installed, you can open the platformio.ini configuration file, uncomment in example to select a routine, and then press ctrl+s to save the .ini configuration file;
  6. Click ☑️ under VScode to compile the project, then plug in USB and select COM under VScode;
  7. Finally, click the ➡️ button to download the program to Flash;

2、Arduino IDE

  1. Install Arduino IDE

  2. Copy all files under this project/lib/ and paste them into the Arduion library path (generally C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Arduino\libraries);

  3. Open the Arduion IDE and click File->Open in the upper left corner to open an example in this project/example/xxx/xxx.ino under this item;

  4. Then configure Arduion. After the configuration is completed in the following way, you can click the button in the upper left corner of Arduion to compile and download;

Arduino IDE Setting Value
Board ESP32S3 Dev Module
Port Your port
USB CDC On Boot Enable
CPU Frequency 240MHZ(WiFi)
Core Debug Level None
USB DFU On Boot Disable
Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload Disable
Events Run On Core1
Flash Mode QIO 80MHZ
Flash Size 16MB(128Mb)
Arduino Runs On Core1
USB Firmware MSC On Boot Disable
Partition Scheme 16M Flash(3M APP/9.9MB FATFS)
Upload Mode UART0/Hardware CDC
Upload Speed 921600

3、Folder structure:

├─boards  : Some information about the board for the platformio.ini configuration project;
├─data    : Picture resources used by the program;
├─example : Some examples;
├─firmare : `factory` compiled firmware;
├─hardware: Schematic diagram of the board, chip data;
├─lib     : Libraries used in the project;


- ✅ bq27xxx_test : BQ27220 test.
- ✅ bq25896_test : Battery management test. Print the battery status in the serial port.
- ✅ cc1101_recv_irq :Wireless reception test, display received messages in the serial port.
- ✅ cc1101_send_irq :Wireless sending test, display sent messages in the serial port.
- ✅ display_test :Screen display test;
- ✅ encode_test :encoder tester
- ✅ factory_test :Factory programs can currently only be compiled and downloaded on PlatformIO;
- ✅ infrared_recv_test: Infrared test
- ✅ infrared_send_test: Infrared test
- ✅ lvgl_test :lvgl benchmark and stress testing;
- ✅ pn532_test :NFC test, display the IC card information in the serial port.
- ✅ tf_card_test :SD card test, the file name is displayed in the serial port.
- ✅ record_test : Record 15 seconds of audio and save it to your SD card.
- ✅ voice_test : Loudspeaker test, read audio from SPIFFS.
- ✅ ws2812_test :LED light test;

4️⃣ Pins 🎁

#define BOARD_USER_KEY 6
#define BOARD_PWR_EN   15

// WS2812
#define WS2812_NUM_LEDS 8
#define WS2812_DATA_PIN 14

// IR
#define BOARD_IR_EN 2
#define BOARD_IR_RX 1

// MIC
#define BOARD_MIC_DATA 42
#define BOARD_MIC_CLK  39

#define BOARD_VOICE_BCLK  46
#define BOARD_VOICE_DIN   7

// --------- DISPLAY ---------
// About LCD definition in the file: lib/TFT_eSPI/User_Setups/Setup214_LilyGo_T_Embed_PN532.h
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH  170
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 320

#define DISPLAY_BL   21 
#define DISPLAY_CS   41
#define DISPLAY_MISO -1
#define DISPLAY_MOSI  9
#define DISPLAY_SCLK 11
#define DISPLAY_DC   16
#define DISPLAY_RST  40

// --------- ENCODER ---------
#define ENCODER_INA 4
#define ENCODER_INB 5
#define ENCODER_KEY 0

// --------- IIC ---------
#define BOARD_I2C_SDA  8
#define BOARD_I2C_SCL  18

// IIC addr
#define BOARD_I2C_ADDR_1 0x24  // PN532
#define BOARD_I2C_ADDR_2 0x55  // BQ27220
#define BOARD_I2C_ADDR_3 0x6b  // BQ25896

// NFC
#define BOARD_PN532_SCL     BOARD_I2C_SCL
#define BOARD_PN532_SDA     BOARD_I2C_SDA
#define BOARD_PN532_RF_REST 45
#define BOARD_PN532_IRQ     17

// --------- SPI ---------
#define BOARD_SPI_SCK  11
#define BOARD_SPI_MOSI 9
#define BOARD_SPI_MISO 10

// TF card
#define BOARD_SD_CS   13

#define BOARD_LORA_CS   12
#define BOARD_LORA_IO2  38
#define BOARD_LORA_IO0  3
#define BOARD_LORA_SW1  47
#define BOARD_LORA_SW0  48

Extension interface

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5️⃣ Test 🎁

Sleep power consumption.

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6️⃣ FAQ 🎁

Unable to detect sd card:

We were able to successfully test SD with SanDisk no larger than 32GB; But some other cards don't, and it's not clear why;

Therefore, when the SD card is not detected, it is recommended to change a SanDisk card not larger than 32G;

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Other questions

Problem Link
How do I enter download mode? docs
How to download the program? dosc
How do I turn on the device after I shut it down? Issues #5
     How do I configure Wifi with EspTouch?         Issues #4
Why won't the battery charge? Issues #9

7️⃣ Schematic & 3D 🎁

For more information, see the ./hardware directory.

Schematic : T-Embed-CC1101

CC1101 Schematic : CC1101

CC1101 Pins : CC1101 Pins

3D Files : To be added ...