Client to communicate with the Amazon AWS EC2 service using Perl6.
Perl6 source to a small program that can start and stop AWS EC2 Instances:
use v6.d;
use Amazon::AWS::EC2::Action::DescribeInstances;
use Amazon::AWS::EC2::Action::StartInstances;
use Amazon::AWS::EC2::Action::StopInstances;
sub MAIN (
:$name, #= Use an instance name
:$id, #= Use an instance ID
:$key is copy, #= Key of tag to use in search. Not to be used with --name
:$value is copy, #= Value of tag to search for. Not to be used with --name
:$start = False, #= Start an instance
:$stop = False, #= Stop an instance
) {
die 'Must use either --start or --stop' unless $start || $stop;
die 'Must use either --start or --stop' if $start && $stop;
die 'Cannot use --name with --key or --value'
if $name.defined && ($key.defined || $value.defined);
my $instanceIDs = do gather {
when $name.defined {
($key, $value) = ('Name', $name);
when $key.defined {
.map( *.instances[0] )
*.tags.grep({ .key eq $key && .value eq $value } )
.map({ take .instanceId })
when $id.defined { take $id }
die 'Could not find instance ID!' unless $instanceIDs.elems;
try {
default {
say "Could not { $start ?? 'start' !! 'stop' } instance '{
$instanceID }':\n{ .message }";
my %i = (instance-ids => $instanceIDs).Hash;
my $r = $start ?? |%i ).run
!! |%i ).run;
for $r.instance-states.Array {
say "{ .instanceID }: State is now: { }";