This is an implementation of some Deep Neural Networks (DNN). We closely followed the ULFDL Tutorial, but using C++/CUDA instead of Matlab or Octave.
Each neural network architecture is implemented in a separate class, some of them being composed of others. We already have working versions of the following architectures:
- Sparse autoencoder (AE)
- Softmax regression (SM)
- Stacked autoencoders (SAE)
- Linear Decoder (LD) (in test)
We give here, for reference, summarized information for each architecture. Actually, we give mainly the equations that we use in our code, so refer to the ULFDL Tutorial for complete explanations. Note that our equations may not look exactly like the ones there, as we will give vectorized versions working with batches of data simultaneously. But first, some general notation:
All vectors are considered as column matrices.
You should notice that we try to give vectorized versions of each calculation. Sometimes we just need to sum all the elements of a matrix, but this operation can also be written in matrix form. In fact, given a matrix with dimensions
, we have:
In the code this may be implemented different, but this notation is useful.
A sparse autoencoder is a neural network with a visible layer , a hidden layer
and an output layer
. It's purpose is the output the inputs the most faithful possible. This is not trivial, given that, in general, we have less neurons in the hidden layer than in the input layer.
We define the following:
To train the network, in each iteration we do:
- Compute the gradients:
- Compute the cost:
- Update the parameters:
Softmax regression is a generalization of logistic regression. It's used as the final layer in many neural networks. It receives as input a dataset with labels
, each label
belonging to one of a total of
We define the following:
To train the network, in each iteration we do:
- Compute the gradient:
- Compute the cost:
- Update the parameters:
To make predictions, we note that the matrix holds the conditional probabilities, so we just need to compute
for the data
we are predicting and take the class with maximum probability:
In this architecture, we stack autoencoders, passing the hidden layer activation of one as the input to the next autoencoder, and so on, until a softmax layer, that outputs the prediction for the data passed as input to the first autoencoder. Each autoencoder is trained using the procedure above, the next one being trained after the previous one finished its training. After that first training is done, we then apply backpropagation to fine-tune the network as a whole.
Here we use the notation from both sparse autoencoders and softmax regression. We just have to be careful about the input from each layer and about which layer we are talking. We will use a superscript to label each matrix/vector with the corresponding sparse autoencoder layer. For example, , means the matrix
from sparse autoencoder layer
, where
is the number of autoencoders layers.
To pre-train the network:
- Train the first autoencoder layer with
as input data.
- Train the
autoencoder layer with
as input data.
- Train the softmax layer with
as input data.
To fine-tune the network, in each iteration we do:
- Compute the gradients:
- Compute the cost:
- Update the parameters:
To make predictions we use compute the matrix as above, but using as input the data we are predicting, in a manner similar to pure softmax prediction.
A linear decoder is just like a sparse autoencoder, but with a identity function as activation for the output layer, instead of the sigmoid function used by sparse autoencoders. In this way, linear decoders can work with input data outside the range imposed by a sparse autoencoder.
To code the equations of the previous session using CUDA, we used the CUBLAS library extensively. For some more specific tasks, we implemented CUDA kernels for the job, but sure they can be optimized. All the CUDA kernels, CUBLAS wrappers and some constantes are in header file [helper.cuh](./Visual Studio/DNN/include/helper.cuh).
Besides the helper header, we have for now three other headers, each one implementing one of the above architectures. The following class diagram show the classes we have currently implemented and their relationship:

We also provide a file [](./Visual Studio/MNIST/, with an example application for digit recognition using the MNIST dataset. The data is read from text files stored in column-major order. The data are compressed in the file [Visual Studio/MNIST/data/data.7z](./Visual Studio/MNIST/data/data.7z) and need to be extracted before running the program.
This markdown file display equations as images rendered by CodeCogs. But the urls of the images are generated from the file README by a Python script which can be found in allanino/markdown-latex. So, when updating this document, we should always change only the README file and generate the using that Python script.