This is an unofficial fork of ClayTech. As the original author semi-abandoned this project, this fork target to keep maintenance.
A slimefun addon for minecraft.
You can join our discord server here: Click this
- 简体中文 zh-CN
- 繁體中文 zh-TW
- 日本語 ja
- Polski pl-PL
- Français fr
- English(UK) en-GB
- English(US) en-US (default)
- Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.14.x
- Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.15.x
- Spigot / PaperSpigot 1.16.x
** For Minecraft 1.13.x, please use 1.2.17 or below.
You can translate ClayTech here: Click me
Please improve our English translations if you understand Chinese.