Simple online form survey from SJTU SE2017
To start this project, you need
some extra configuration is needed
- update in /src/backend/src/main/resources/
- create the corresponding database and table in your mariadb/mysql, it should like
create table FORMFOSS.user
`user_id` int auto_increment
primary key,
`user_name` varchar(32) not null,
`email` varchar(128) not null,
`create_time` timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
`password` varchar(64) not null,
`phone` varchar(16) null,
constraint user_user_name_uindex
unique (`user_name`),
constraint user_email_uindex
unique (`email`)
then build backend project:
cd src/backend && mvn clean package
run backend program:
java -jar src/backend/target/backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
run frontend program:
cd src/frontend/src/main/frontend/ && yarn run start
open your browser at localhost:4200/