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fireblizzard edited this page Jun 26, 2018 · 5 revisions

Client say commands

Players can use these commands by using the say command and prepending to the text (the text is the command name in the table below) one of the following three symbols: / or . or ! Commands without arguments are toggle commands; this means that saying it one time will enable a feature, and saying it again will disable the feature. All the say commands in this page can be used without arguments and so they will use default argument values.

Command name Arguments Default Description
kz | kzmenu | menu Shows the main menu
kzhelp | help | h Shows a MOTD window with all the commands of this page
cp Creates a checkpoint
tp Teleports to the last checkpoint
unstuck Teleports to the last checkpoint
pause Pauses the timer and freezes the player
reset Resets the timer and clears the checkpoints
start Teleports to the start button
spawn | respawn Teleports to the spawn point
timer Switches between different timer display modes
startmsg on Switches between different timer display modes
ss | setstart Sets the current position as the custom start position
cs | clearstart Removes the custom start position
spec | spectate Switches the player from/to spectator mode
speclist on Toggles the display of a list of spectators watching you
keys | showkeys off Toggles the display of pressed movement keys in the HUD
invis off Makes other players invisible
winvis | waterinvis | liquidinvis off Makes most of the flowing liquids invisible
dec <1-6> 3 Changes the number of decimals to display in times
nv | nightvision <0-2> off Sets the nightvision mode: 0=off, 1=flashlight, 2=global
slopefix on Toggles surfbug/slopebug fix. This exists 'cos the fix breaks some slopes
top Shows a menu to choose which top's records to show
pure <#>-<#> 1-15 Shows the Pure records from # to #
pro <#>-<#> 1-15 Shows the Pro records from # to #
noob | nub <#>-<#> 1-15 Shows the Noob records from # to #
ljstats | jumpstats Shows a menu to toggle displaying stats for different jump types
lj | lj15 | hj | hj15 Shows the 15 best Longjump/Highjump records (distance, prestrafe, sync,...)
speed off Toggles the display of the horizontal speed in the center of the HUD
prestrafe | preshow | showpre off Toggles the display of prestrafe speed
rtv | rockthevote Starts a vote for a random map

The commands below are say commands too, but they don't need prepending a symbol to them:

Command name Arguments Default Description
find | findmaps | maplist | searchmaps | mapsearch <name> "" Shows 20 maps in the HUD containing the provided name
listmaps <name> <#index> "" 0 Shows paginated in the console all the maps containing the provided name starting from the entry number #index
listmapsm <name> <#index> "" 0 Shows in a MOTD window all the maps containing the provided name starting from the entry number #index
listcycle <name> <#index> "" 0 Shows paginated in the console all the maps of the mapcycle containing the provided name starting from the entry number #index
listcyclem <name> <#index> "" 0 Shows in a MOTD window all the maps of the mapcycle containing the provided name starting from the entry number #index
currentmap | current map | thismap | this map | map is this Displays the current map name in chat

Server cvars


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