In this project, me and my team created a maze exploration software. A simulated robotic agent takes discrete steps on a grid in the maze, while trying to navigate to a goal.
First, you'll need to install
on your platform:pip install pygame
You can verify the install by loading one of the examples that comes with the library:
python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens
Clone the repository:
git clone
To run the software, run:
Maze generation for 31x11 grid:
To change the grid, change the hight and weight parameters on
file:Maze generation for 20x13 grid:
- A Grid consists of a 2 dimensional array of cells.
- A Cell has 2 states: Blocked or Passage.
- Start with a Grid full of Cells in state Blocked.
- Pick a random Cell, set it to state Passage and Compute its frontier cells. A frontier cell of a Cell is a cell with distance 2 in state Blocked and within the grid.
- While the list of frontier cells is not empty:
- Pick a random frontier cell from the list of frontier cells.
- Let neighbors(frontierCell) = All cells in distance 2 in state Passage.
- Pick a random neighbor and connect the frontier cell with the neighbor by setting the neighbor & the cell in-between to state Passage.
- Compute the frontier cells of the chosen frontier cell and add them to the frontier list.
- Remove the chosen frontier cell from the list of frontier cells.